Cocaine conviction leads to 80 months in jail
Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 11, 2011
SALISBURY ó A Kannapolis man has been sentenced to at least 80 months in prison after a jury convicted him of felony cocaine possession and being a habitual felon.
Montario Antwond Glenn was convicted after a three-day trial in Superior Court, the Rowan County District Attorneyís Office said in a press release.
Judge Joseph N. Crosswhite sentenced Glenn to an active prison sentence of 80-105 months.
According to the press release, Detective C.M. Walker of the Kannapolis Police Department went to Glennís home Jan. 9, 2007, to serve an outstanding domestic-violence warrant .
ěAfter being informed of the warrant against him, Glenn attempted to resist arrest in an effort to conceal two baggies of cocaine he held in his hand,î the press release said. ěDuring the arrest, Glenn attempted to conceal the cocaine by hiding it in his mouth. However, with the assistance of Detective Tim Roth, Detective Walker was able to convince Glenn to spit out the drugs.î
Glenn was prosecuted as a habitual felon due to his previous felony convictions of burning personal property, assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury and malicious conduct by a prisoner.
In the press release, District Attorney Brandy Cook thanked the Kannapolis Police Department and Assistant District Attorney Timothy Gould ěin helping to take another repeat offender off of our streets.î