Cell phone users respond to cancer threat

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 8, 2011

By Nathan Hardin
For the Salisbury Post
SALISBURY — After a February study that said cell phone radiation alters brain activity in parts of the brain closest to the cellular device, many Rowan residents remain unworried.
The Post took to the streets of downtown Salisbury to discuss the Journal of the American Medical Association’s study and to discuss concerns about other studies linking cellphone radiation to cancer.
Elizabeth Beaver, a Rowan resident, said if the studies are correct, then a lot of people — especially kids — will be affected.
“I’ve wondered that before,” Beaver said. “I think there will be a lot of people in trouble if that’s the case.”
Despite the studies, Beaver said the results will not affect her cell phone usage, but she thinks it may affect others.
Another cell phone user, Keyana McAllister, said frequent contradicting studies about the safety of cell phones makes it difficult to believe, but she does think cell phones in general produce a significant amount of radiation.
“I actually feel it may because of all the radiation coming from the cell phones, and when you plug it up and you’re on the phone while they’re plugged in, I think that it may do some justice toward the fact that it’s radiation,” McAllister said. “But it could just be theories that they’re making up. They make up new theories every day about anything.”
McAllister also said the recent studies will not affect her cell phone usage.
“People use their cell phones everyday. People have to use their cell phones,” McAllister said.
She also said she doesn’t think it will affect the amount of time other’s will spend on their phones.
“History will tell, but I don’t think so,” McAllister said.
Several college students also said they heard the reports and have made appropriate changes to avoid any potential radiation exposure.
Arria Evans, a Livingstone College student, said she believes all electronics have levels of radiation, including cell phones.
“I personally think that it does, because with any electronics — with myself being a (computer science) major — I know that all electronics have radiation, and cell phones we use the most,” Evans said. “It’s part of our lives. I think it’s very possible to give us radiation for brain cancer.”
Evans said she uses her phone on speaker now to avoid holding it too close.
“I immediately always talk on my phone on speaker now and away from my face,” Evans said.
Evans’ friend, Sabrina Famiglietti, said she told her family after she heard the report and now uses an earpiece.
“I told my family about it,” Famiglietti said. “I use my earpiece. I listen to my music anyway, so it’s kind of normal to do.”