Letters to the editor – Tuesday 5-31-11

Published 12:00 am Monday, May 30, 2011

Making beautiful music together
The words written in the ěPops at the Postî section of the Salisbury Post on May 29 prompted these words of appreciation for Dr. Phillip Burgess and the members of the Community Choir.
The Covenant Community Connection wants to say a great big thank you to the choir for their participation in the Letís Get Connected Day celebration on May 21. They came out in force and sang patriotic songs as well as ěLet There be Peace on Earth.î Rebecca Stinsonís rendition of ěWe Shall Overcomeî brought tears to many eyes.
The makeup of the choir and the content of their songs gave witness to all present that there are many in our Salisbury-Rowan community who believe in and work for harmony among all people regardless of religion, race or culture. We respect our differences while celebrating our common goals.
Thank you, Dr. Phillip Burgess and the Community Choir, for demonstrating we can make beautiful music when we sing, play and work together.
ó Betty Jo Hardy
Hardy is chair of the Covenant Community Connection.
No cupcakes
What a shame to learn that 4-year-old kids could not have cupcakes at their party on the last day of preschool because of the dietary needs of one child. Apparently, when the childís mother insisted that no cupcakes be brought to the party for anyone because of her childís allergies to peanuts, the schoolís board caved in to her demands and disallowed cupcakes. It seems ridiculous to insist that all the children change their eating habits for the sake of one.
My daughter has a very strict diet also and she wouldnít have been able to eat the cupcakes, either. But as her parent, it is my responsibility to ensure she sticks to her diet ó even at school. And there are numerous ways I can accomplish this, but none of them include uprooting the entire class.
Although the boardís decision was not received well by the majority of the parents, it was accepted ó because that was the right thing to do.
ó Joe Miller