Yesterday: World War I draftees
Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 29, 2011
In this photograph from Sept. 17, 1917, the first Rowan County draftees of World War I line up outside the U.S. Post Office on West Innes Street. The building is today’s Rowan County Administrative Office. These dozen young men left for training at Camp Jackson in Columbia, S.C. The Rowan Museum, which supplied this photograph, has identified seven of the 12 as Mitchell Corriher (first from left), Ralph Current (third), Marvin Koontz (sixth), Albert Overman (eighth), William Hardin (ninth), Leake Bernhardt (10th) and Harris Miller (12th). Post records have names for the other men, but their position in the photo is not certain. The others are W.T. Eagle, J.K. Fleming, Paul E. Monroe, G.F. Click and W.S. Graham. If you can identify any of the correct positions for these last five men, contact the Rowan Museum at 704-633-5946.