Roundabout: What's happening
Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 26, 2011
Fiddler’s Grove Ole Time Fiddler’s and Bluegrass Festival — May 27-29: 87th annual competition, Fiddler’s Grove Camground, Union Grove. Oldest fiddler’s competition in North America, includes competitions for bands and individuals, free workshops, on-site camping. Family-run, family-friendly. 828-478-3735,,
Joyfest 2011 — May 28: Celebration of Gospel Music at Carowinds Paladium Amphitheater features Kirk Franklin, Fred Hammond, Marvin Sapp, Canton Jones, comedian Sinbad, emcee Bone Hampton. Tickets at Ticketmaster outlets, 1-800-745-3000,
17th annual Wayne C. Henderson Music Festival and Guitar Competition — Saturday, June 18, Grayson Highlands State Park, Mouth of Wilson, Va., with the Boxcars, George Hamilton IV, April Verch Band, Eddie Pennington, Harris Brothers, Bobby Ingano, Wayne Henderson and Friends, children’s events, rain or shine, free parking. $10, children 12 and younger free.,
“Charlotte Squawks” at the Booth Playhouse — June 10-25: Broadway meets Saturday Night Live meets Charlotte, with “7-Year Bit©#,” its latest edition. Area actors, singers, dancers parody pop culture, politics, sports and the Queen City. Tickets start at $29.50. 130 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, 704-372-1000
Music & more
Seven Bridges on Fisher Street — 7:30-9:30 p.m., tonight, May 26, Eagles tribute band, part of the Brick Street Live series. Gates open 5 p.m. General admission $5 in advance, 704-637-5363 or No coolers allowed.
Rocky River Vineyards first 2011 Summer Concert Series — 7-10 p.m., Friday, May 27: Salisbury Swing Band, come ready to dance, www.salisburyswingband. com. $20 admission includes glass of wine and refreshments. RSVP 704-781-5035. 11685 Reed Mine Road, Midland.
Marc Hoffman at Founders Hall — Noon-2 p.m, Friday, May 27, part of free acoustic concert series, includes his arrangements of standards, ballads, pop tunes. 100 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, Bank of America Corporate Center.
Jazz Vespers at St. John’s —7 p.m., Saturday, June 11: The The Zach Bartholomew Jazz Trio with guest Jazz vocalist Diana Tuffin, free, 200 W. Innes St. Following the concert a special reception will be held at Pottery 101, 101 S. Main St.
Charlotte Bronze Handbell Ensemble “Curtain Warmer” concert —7:30 p.m., Monday, June 6: Under the direction of internationally-known clinician and composer Tim Waugh. Handbells, handchimes, cello, viola, percussion, piano. Sanctuary of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 3200 Park Road, Charlotte. Free. 704-847-4502.
Piedmont Choral Society’s 8th annual Patriotic Benefit Concert — 3 p.m., Sunday, June 26: A concert consisting entirely of patriotic music. Forest Hill United Methodist Church, 265 Union St. N., Concord. 704-699-6053.
American Idols Live — 7 p.m., Thursday, July 28, Time Warner Cable Arena, Charlotte. Tickets $45/65.,, 800-745-3000.
Die Roten Punkte in Charlotte — July 14-16 at Duke Energy Theatre at Spirit Square, 345 N. College St., Charlotte. All tickets $34.50, on sale now at, 704-372-1000.
The Wiggles! come to Charlotte — 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 13: Anthony, Sam, Murray and Jeff at Time Warner Cable Arena, tickets start at $17.50,, 1-800-745-3000.
Elvis Costello and The Imposters at the Blumenthal — July 16, tickets start at $34.50, Belk Theater at Blumenthal Performing Arts Center, 130 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, 704-372-1000 or
Rascal Flatts at Verizon Amphitheatre — Friday, July 29, with Sara Evans, Easton Corbin, Justin Moore. Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre, Charlotte. Tickets go on sale 10 a.m., April 30 at, The Hardee’s Thickburger Box Offices at the venues, Ticketmaster or charge by phone 800-745-3000.
Third annual ten-minute original play festival, “Route 66,” at Lee Street Theatre — 7:30 p.m., June 1-4: six world premieres by North Carolina playwrights, four of which are from Salisbury; admission $10, contains adult language and is best suited for mature audiences, Looking Glass Artist Collective, 405 N. Lee St.,,
Piedmont Players Theatre presents “The Farnsworth Invention” — 7:30 p.m. June 2-4 and 8-11; 2:30 p.m. June 5. $12 adult, $10 student/ senior. Wednesday Value Night: June 8, all tickets $10. It’s 1929 ,and two ambitious visionaries race against each other to invent a device called “television.” Meroney Theater, 213 S. Main St. 704-633-5471, www.piedmontplayers. com.
Queen City Theatre Company presents Jonathan Coarsey in “Chess – The Musical” — 8 p.m., through June 11, Duke Energy Theatre at Spirit Square, 345 N. College St., Charlotte, tickets start at $24, special discounted performance, $14 Wednesday, May 25,, 704-372-1000,
Old Courthouse Theatre presents “Comedy of Errors” — June 16-26: Summer Youth Production, directed by Andy Rassler. Tickets $15/$12/$10, call 704-788-2405 to reserve a seat. 49 Spring Street NW, NC,
“Mamma Mia!” tickets on sale now— Show runs one week only: July 26-31, Belk Theater at Blumenthal Performing Arts Center, 130 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, tickets start at $30,, 704-372-1000.
This & That
J.C. Price Post 107 Memorial week celebration — May 27-June 5, rides, games, booths, vendors, police protection on the midway, gospel singing on May 30-31. Event info 704-636-2950 or 704-213-2397.
Fish For Fun day — 10 a.m. 2 p.m., June 4: for elementary/ middle schoolers with adult. Granite Lake Park,- 500 N. Salisbury Ave. (Hwy. 52), space is limited, for reservations call 704-279-5596 ext.20.
Faith 4th parade entry info— Deadline for entries Friday, June 17. Faith 4th parade is at 10 a.m., Monday, July 4: entry fee $25 (exemptions include Legion, Legion Auxiliary Post, Veteran organizations, military organizations. No late entries accpeted. Contact 704-279-2256.
Catawba’s Community Music program summer camps — Four-day camps and private lessons available, contact Erin Harper or 704-881-1565 for details, register at
“Heart of the Artist” weekly discussions — 7 p.m. Tuesdays through June 21; sponsored by Blackwelder Park Baptist Church Kannapolis, at Oak Tree Coffee Co. coffeehouse, Cannon Village.Contact Vic Daniel, 980-621-1256
Concord Book Club on Robert Goolrick’s “A Reliable Wife” — 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 7, registration requested 704-920-2053, Concord Library auditorium, 27 Union St., N.
Night Life
Benchwarmers. 113 E. Fisher St. — Friday, May 27: DogWood Band. 7-10 p.m. every Friday: Handful of Dave. 704-639-0604.
Brick Street Tavern, 122 E. Fisher St. — 10 p.m., Saturday May 28: King Friday. Tuesdays: open mic, performers of all types welcome, sign up as you arrive; 8 p.m. Wednesdays: team trivia; 9:30 p.m. Thursdays: plugged open mic night. www.thebrickstreettavern. com, 704-637-6047.
DJ’s, 1502 W. Inne St., — Live music Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays starting at 8:30 p.m. 704-638-9647.
Fat Jack’s, 120 Military Ave., — 8 p.m. until, every Friday and Saturday night: karaoke with Mark Tomei. 704-638-8996.
High Rock Boat & Ski Club, 257 Boat Club Lane— Friday, May 27: Deejay Ken McGee. Saturday, May 28: Deejay Mike Harding. Sunday, May 29: Locked & Loaded outside from 1-5 p.m.; App. buffett 5:30-7:30 p.m. inside; Tim Clark Band starting at 6:30 inside. Memberships available, open Wed.-Sat. 704-633-0251.
Philip’s Steak and Pasta House, 1504 Jake Alexander Blvd W. — 8 p.m. Mondays Karaoke; 8 p.m. Tuesdays/Thursdays: Live Team Trivia; 7 p.m. Wednesdays: Texas Hold ’Em Tournament Style, second game follows; 9 p.m. Saturdays: Karaoke with Cherokee. 704-637-8844.
Rick’s BBQ and Grill, 929 S. Main St. — 7-9 p.m., tonight: “Melvis,”plus karaoke every Friday and Saturday. 704-642-0050.
Smitty’s North Rowan Bar-b-que 1205 N. Salisbury Ave., Spencer — 7-9 p.m., Thursdays: karaoke. 704-636-2122.
The Blue Vine, 209 S. Main St. — Fifth anniversary month celebraiton continues. 9 p.m.-midnight, Friday, May 27: Gigi Dover and the Big Love, $5 cover. 9-11:30 p.m., Saturday, May 28: Blazin’ Blue Bob Paolino, no cover. www.theblue 704-797-0093.
The Inn, 1012 Mooresville Hwy 150 — Saturday, May 28, four band lineup: Security In Wisdom; Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe; Chasing The Son; OCIS.Open 7 p.m.-midnight Saturdays, free refreshments, air hockey, foosball, pool. Public invited to jam or schedule their group to perform. 704-213-1467. www.inntheloop.
Chobey Badgio Band at The Double Door Inn, 1218 Charlottetown Ave. — Friday, May 27, doors 9 p.m./music 10 p.m., $8.,
E.H. Montgomery General Store — 7-9 p.m. Fridays: bluegrass jams. Historic Village of Gold Hill. 704-267-9439, 704-279-5674.
Old Stone Vino, 515 S. Main St., Kannapolis — 6:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays: guitarist, singer, songwriter Marty DeJarnette. Fridays, Saturdays: various artists. 704-938-2337.
Blue Ewe Yoga workshop — 3-5:30 p.m., Saturday, June 4: introducing the Ashtanga primary series with Andrea Dyer, owner/director of mind/body/fitness yoga in Greensboro. Ashtanga yoga offers challenging workout suitable for physically active people. Some experience with yoga recommended but not required. $30. Information/registration 704-639-0606. Blue Ewe Yoga Studio, 516 South Salisbury Ave., Spencer.
Chrismons Christian symbols classes — •New beginner, Saturday, June 4, 9:30-11:30 a.m.•Beginner, Thursday, June 2, 10:30-12:30 •Intermediate, Friday, June 3, 10:30-12:30•Advanced, Saturday, June 4, 9 a.m.-noon. Call 704-636-7790 for reservations or information. Rufty’s Chrismon Shop, 280 Furniture Drive,
Oil classes the Old Master way — 1-3 p.m., Tuesdays: adult classes in oils, beginner or intermediate, learning the technique of the Masters of the 16th/17th centuries. $45 per session, 704-232-6000 for materials list, info, registration. Limited number of students. Patt’s studio, 409 N. Lee St., Rail Walk Arts District.
Creative painting workshops — 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Ongoing series, beginning to intermediate, traditional oil painting. $200 includes eight sessions; ask about scholarships and sliding scales. Registration/materials list: 704-245-6456. Instructor James E. Taylor, Contemporary Realism Studio, 211 S. Main St.
Knitting and spinning — • Spinning workshop, Friday, May 27, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., bring your own wheel or use ours, $50 includes 1 oz. of wool roving • Beginning knitting class, Saturdays, May 28, June 4 and 11, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., $45 plus cost of materials • Magic Loop, knitting in the round using long circular needle, no need for double pointed needles, Saturday, May 28, 12:30 -2:30 p.m., $15 plus cost of materials • Learn to knit a sweater, Saturday, June 4, 1-3 p.m., $45 plus cost of materials includes punch card to schedule remaining hours of private instruction • Knitting socks, Saturdays, June 18 and 25, 2 sessions: 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1-3 p.m., experience knitting in the round necessary • 704-431-4527 to register for all classes. TranqWool Knitting Provisions, 310 Mocksville Ave.
Classes at the Y — “Introducing Scrapbooking,” 1-3 p.m., Tuesdays, $10 includes supplies for 2 pages. 828 W Jake Alexander Blvd., 704-636-0111.
Classes at LGAC — For kids: “Being Creative -LGAC” for children ages 8-14, June 25 through Aug. 20. Each class runs from 9-11:30 a.m., costs $8, limited to 10 participants. All materials are furnished unless otherwise noted. At least two LGAC artist members will supervise each activity. Registration and payment by check or cash only must be made no later than one week prior to starting class date. • June 25, Polymer Clay Bead Jewelry: Make beads from polymer clay, bake them, construct a piece of jewelry. • July 2, Canvas Mosaic: Use various materials to create a work of art on canvas. • July 9,Wearable Art: Paint a t-shirt with acrylic paint and fabric medium suitable for wearing. All materials furnished except t-shirt: bring cotton or cotton-blend t-shirt. • July 16, Stamping Project: Learn to use stamps and ink, then design and assemble at least one greeting card and matching envelope.
For adults • Watercolor classes: instructor Cathy Benfield Matthews, no experience needed; choose Mondays 1-3 p.m. or 5:30-7:30 p.m., or Saturdays 10 a.m.-noon, $35 each 2 hour session or $180 for 6, materials provided except brushes; email to reserve your space, Looking Glass Artist Collective, 405 N. Lee St., 704-633-ARTS,
Waterworks Visual Arts Center summer classes — Register for Waterworks Visual Arts Center Summer Classes. Space limited, some classes already full. for complete schedule, 704-636-1882 to register. 123 E. Liberty St.
Bring-your-own-vase floral design — 7-8 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: Designing fresh cut flowers, $15 per class plus cost of flowers, call for reservations; instructor David Harrison, Harrison’s Florist, 1012 Holmes Ave., off Grove St. near RRMC, 704-636-4251.
Absolute beginner line dance — Tuesdays, no experience necessary, $12/month, teacher Cheryl Kluttz, Rufty Holmes Senior Center, Martin Luther King Ave., 704-633-3484.
“Express Yourself!”African drumming and dance workshop — 5:30 p.m. Saturdays for grades K-12, family participation encouraged, small donation appreciated. Conducted by Master Drummer Allen Boyd, sponsored by Sankofa Held at Salisbury high school auditorium, 704-637-6857.
Piedmont Singles — 7:15 p.m., Friday, May 27: What’s your favorite dessert? Bring recipe, better yet, bring the real thing. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church behind CVS, Statesville Blvd. Covered dish, no joining fee, donations appreciated. Contact Frances Ward 704-637-3241.
Zodiac Club — May 27: Music by Colours. Second and fourth Fridays, alternate fifth Fridays. Providing live-band dances and social events for both Carolinas for 41 years. Doors 7 p.m., band 8 p.m. Free soft drinks, water, snacks welcome. Covered dish dinner on fifth Friday dance night. $12 guests, $10 members, join for $20 with free admission on the night you join. American Legion Post 380, 4235 W. Tyvola Road, Charlotte, 704-752-8824,,
Lee Street Theatre “Henry V” auditions — 7-10 p.m., June 6. Toungue-in-cheek performance; performance dates July 10-16. Looking Glass Artist Collective, 405 N. Lee St., 704-754-2321.
Old Courthouse Theatre “On Golden Pond” auditions — 7-9 p.m., June 13-14. Performance dates Aug. 11-28. 49 Spring St. SW, Concord.
Faith Idol competition — Registration deadline Wednesday, June 15 for the Faith Idol Competition, held during the Faith 4th of July Celebration, categories are • 12 and under • age 13 – 18 • adult (19 and up). Registration fee $10, deadline Wednesday, June 15, contact Pam Alexander 704-279-2256.
Call for musicians
Call for musicians for Summerfest 2011 — June 18: seeking musicians interested in participating in day long festival. Music 10 a.m.-8 p.m., held in parking lot of NeelyD’s, Hickory. Call Neel Hudson at 828-397-7711.
Piedmont Choral Society — Community singers invited to join the choral society for the eighth annual Patriotic Benefit Concert Sunday, June 26. Rehearsals 7 p.m. Mondays, no audition or previous musical training needed, and no cost. Forest Hill UMC, 265 Union St. N., Concord, or 704-699-6053.
Southern Piedmont Singers — 2 p.m. Sundays, new members accepted June 5 and 12, open to adults and youth ages 13 and up. Now preparing pop, jazz, Broadway concert. N. Kannapolis United Methodist Church choir room, 1301 N. Main St., Damien Evans, director. 704-224-7148, southernpiedmontsingers
Bluegrass musicians — Bluegrass jam open to all, Saturdays at Dixie’s Roasting Co., 102 S. Main St., China Grove. 704-857-9169.
Call for artists
Call for artists, crafters for Summerfest 2011 — June 18: seeking artists, crafters interested in participating in day long festival. Crafters area open 8 a.m.-5 p.m., held in parking lot of NeelyD’s, Hickory. Spaces are limited, call Neel Hudson at 828-397-7711.
Artists sought for Art in the Shop — Art in the Shop is seeking artists interested in showing at the 13th Annual Art in the Shop in Bethlehem, NC, Oct 1., encompassing bonsai, sculpture, paintings, photography, jewelry, pottery, garden art. Quality original artwork and fine crafts only, no kits accepted. Cost$40 by July 31, $50 Aug. 1-Sept. 15. 828-632-0106,,
Damhsa Gasra presents “We Will Raq You” — 7 p.m., Saturday, June 18: hard rock/heavy metal-themed belly dance show featuring more than 40 performers, The Old Creamery, 363 Church St., Concord. Tickets $8 at or $12 DOS. Info
“Pop Music” — 6:30 p.m., tonight May 26: 14th annual dance recital by Steppin’ Out Dance Company, Keppel Auditorium, Catawba College. Free of charge, open to the public. 704-637-1222.
Speakers and forums
Cabarrus Art Guild hosts Paul Keysar — 2 p.m., June 12: Oil painting still life demo and talk,, free. Brick Wall Gallery, The Depot at Gibson Mill, 325 McGill Ave., Concord.
Home and garden
Salisbury Symphony’s Festival of Summer Gardens — June 25 -26, tickets $12 in advance, $15 tour days. Perennial tour of eight country gardens, three historic gardens. Music by Salisbury Symphony Children’s Strings and local musicians. Sunday: Learn the art of planting in container gardens, learn from master gardeners and watch Plein Air artists at work. Lunch at Carolina Lily, $16, must be pre-ordered. Reserved tickets at Visitors Bureau, 704-638-3100, www.salisburysymphony. org, 704-603-4652 or 704-645-8300.
Purple Shoe Exhibit — A moving statewide memorial honoring homicide victims and friends and family members, on loan from the Family Violence Coalition of Yancy through May. Sponsored locally by Spencer Woman’s Club and Family Crisis Council of Rowan. Exhibit is at Spencer Library, Fourth Street.
Waterworks Visual Arts Center, 123 E. Liberty St.— 6-8 p.m., Friday, May 27: Opening reception for summer exhibition “In The Details,” also honors the Dare to Imagine Award winner, Dean Crouch. Light refreshments will be served; free • “In the Details” features a variety of artists’ meticulous approaches, creating worlds in their artwork where every inch matters. On exhibit through Aug. 13 • Two solo exhibitions and a group show: NC artist Katie Claiborne and SC artist Susan Lenz exhibit in Stanback Gallery Hall and the Osborne and Woodson Galleries •You and Me, a group multi-media show featuring the works of eleven regional artists exploring the question of individualism through self-portraiture, exhibits in the Norvell Gallery •www.waterworks. org, 704-636-1882.
Rail Walk Studios and Gallery, 409 N. Lee St. — Memorial Day weekend special event: Faithful Friends Animal Sanctuary receives 10% donation of all Rail Walk studio artists sales and pet portrait commissions Saturday May 28, Sunday, May 29, Monday, May 30, Saturday, June 4. Some artists do animal paintings and will donate 10% of commissions received for pet portraits during this time. Opening in the main gallery June 4, Glimpses of Carolina by the Plein Air Carolina artists. Hours 11 a.m.-5 p.m. or by appointment. 704-431-8964
Mint Museum of Art, 2730 Randolph Road, Charlotte — “North Carolina Pottery: Diversity and Traditions;” “Chanel: Designs for the Modern Woman.” Open 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday. Admission $10 adults, , free for members and children 5 and younger. Free on Tuesdays 5-9 p.m. 704-337-2000.
Mint Museum Uptown at Levine Center for the Arts, 500 South Tryon St., Charlotte — “Attitude and Alchemy: The Metalwork of Gary Noffke;” “From New York to Corrymore: Robert Henri and Ireland.” Same hours, admission as above. 704-337-2000.
Reynolda House Museum of American Art, 2250 Reynolda Road, Winston-Salem — “Trains That Passed in the Night,” the photograhs of O. Winston Link, through June 19•“Thomas Hart Benton, America’s Master Storyteller,” features large-scale oil masterpiece, “Bootleggers,” alongside three lithographs based on scenes the artist created for the mural program of the Missouri State Capitol Building that re-tell familiar stories. On view through July 31. House, gardens and village feature public garden, dining, shopping,walking trails. 336-758-5150, reynoldahouse. org.
N.C. Transportation Museum, 411 S. Salisbury Ave., Spencer — Museum open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday; 1-4 p.m. Sunday. Train rides Saturday 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. $6 adults, $5 children ages 3-12 and seniors ages 60 and up. Roundhouse Turntable rides at $1. Group rates available with advance notice. 704-636-2889 or 877-NCTMFUN.
Rowan Museum, 202 N. Main St. — Current exhibit: “When We Fought Ourselves-1861-1865,”remembering the events that changed America 150 years ago with a local emphasis on events taking place in Rowan County. Museum hours Monday-Friday, 1-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Contributions accepted. 704-633-5946.
Utzman-Chambers House, 116 S. Jackson St. — New exhibit features artifacts (including photos and books) of the late Honorable Spruce Macay (1755–1808), lawyer and Superior Court judge, perhaps best known for instructing our country’s seventh president, Andrew Jackson. ) Open 1-4 p.m. Saturday. $3 adults, $1.50 students, museum members free. 704-633-5946.
Dr. Josephus Hall House, 226 S. Jackson St. — 1820 house museum features furniture and decoratives from Hall family and others. Costumed docents provide tours. $3 adults, $1.50 students, free to members of Historic Salisbury Foundation. For group tours, call HSF office, 704-636-0103.
Old Stone House, Granite Quarry —Open 1-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. $3 adults, $1.50 students, museum members free. 704-633-5946.
Historic Rockwell Museum, 102 E. Main St. — For special tours call 704-279-4979. Museum open Sundays 2-4 p.m. and by appointment. For information call Ann Teague: 704-279-5783.
Price of Freedom Museum, Old Patterson School building, China Grove — 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday, June 4: D-Day Remembrance event, cosponsored by Carolina Military Vehicle Preservation Association and Price of Freedom Museum, see vehicles, weapons, memorabilia, military demonstrations. Sundays 3-5 and by appointment. American war memorial dedicated to men and women of the armed services. Intersection of Weaver, Patterson Roads., 704-857-7474.
China Grove Roller Mill Museum — Guided tours 2-4 p.m. second Sunday of each month. Museum is operated by Historical Society of South Rowan. For special tours call 704-433-3912.
NC Music Hall of Fame Museum, 109 West A Street, Kannapolis — Honors musicians, singers, songwriters and producers from the state of North Carolina who have made great contributions to American music, more than 50 major inductee exhibits including Randy Travis, Charlie Daniels, Roberta Flack, John Coltrane, Andy Griffith, Shirley Caesar, Doc Watson, Chairmen of the Board, Earl Scruggs, Maurice Williams. Located in the renovated old Kannapolis Jailhouse Building. 10 a.m.-noon, 2-4 p.m., Monday-Friday. Admission free, donations appreciated. 704-934-2320,
Historic Gold Hill,NC/Gold Hill Mines Historic Park — 19th century living history interpretations and educational tours weekends April-October and weekdays by appointment. Interpretative displays reflect life in the 1800s gold mining boom town. Village merchants and interpreters dressed in period costume weekends. Free admission. 704-279-5674, 704-267-9439. www.HistoricGoldHill. com.
Reed Gold Mine historic site, 12 miles southeast of Concord — Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., closed Sunday, Monday and major holidays, admission free. Part of Division of State Historic Sites, Office of Archives and History,704-721-4653, reed@ncdcr. gov.
Fort Dobbs State Historic Site, 438 Fort Dobbs Road, Statesville — 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m.-3 p.m Sunday, May 28-29: Living History weekend, re-enactors representing the provincial garrison of Fort Dobbs present on-going demonstrations of 18th century camp life, with featured musket and cannon firing demonstrations.Free and open to the public Tuesday through Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 704-873-5882, www.fortdobbs. org.
Historic Latta Plantation, Sample Road, Huntersville — 10 a.m.-4 p.m., May 28, 1-4 p.m., May 29: Living history fundraising weekend, see historical reenactors from the Revolutionary War, Civil War, and World War II, join tea parties on the grounds, play games, make crafts. All proceeds support site programming. $7 per person, ages 5 and under free. www.lattaplantation. org. 704-875-2312.
Historic Rosedale Plantation, 3427 N. Tryon St., Charlotte — 1:30 and 3 p.m., May 28: Unheard Voices Tour examines personal and work lives of 20 slaves that inhabited the Caldwell Plantation of the early 1800s. Historic interpretation presented by Briget Strong, Black History Expert. $5 adults, $4 students/seniors (65 or older). www.historicrose dale.
Discovery Place, Charlotte, 301 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, — Extended summer hours, May 30-Sept. 5: Monday–Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunda: noon–5 p.m. •Marine Mammal Day, Saturday, June 8, explore what makes warm-blooded ocean-dwellers unique, including feeding behaviors, echolocation, identification, adaptations and more •Exhibition “Life, A Journey Through Time,” photographic celebration of the wonder of life on earth through the imagery of acclaimed National Geographic wildlife photographer Frans Lanting•“Born to be Wild” now showing at IMAX[0xae] Theatre, follow young orphaned elephants and orangutans from birth to their rebirth into the wild. Also, “Tornado Alley” continues.704-372-6261 or
Discovery Place KIDS Huntersville, 105 Gilead Road — Open 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday, noon-5 p.m., Sunday, closed Monday. Admission $8 for adults and children age one and older, children younger than age one and Members are free. Discounts available for groups of 15 or more. discoveryplaceKIDS. org, 704-372-6261.Charlotte Nature Museum, 1658 Sterling Road, Charlotte — for details. $6 ages 2 and older; younger than 2 and members are free. Parking is free. Tuesday-Thursday 9 a.m.–5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. -5 p.m.; Sunday noon–5 p.m.; closed Monday.
Town Creek Indian Mound, southern Montgomery County — A national historic landmark and NC’s only state historic site dedicated to American Indian heritage, Town Creek Indian Mound interprets the history of the American Indians who once lived here; visitor center features interpretive exhibits, audiovisual displays. Tour groups welcome. Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, 1-5 p.m. Located on Town Creek Mound Road approx. five miles east of Mt. Gilead, between NC 73 and NC 731. www.towncreek.
Old Salem, Winston-Salem — 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 12:30-5 p.m. Sunday. $21 adults, $10 children. 336-721-7300 or
NC Museum of Art, 2110 Blue Ridge Road, Raleigh — Exhibit “Mirror Image,” exploring what it means to be a woman as seen through the perspectives of 13 North Carolina female artists. North Carolina Gallery, East Building, admission to exhibition is free. Meet the Artists: 7 p.m., Friday, June 24, free. General admission $15, students, seniors, military, groups of 10 or more $12. Children 7-12 $7.50, children six and under free.
Contemporary Art Museum, 409 W. Martin St., Raleigh — 11 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, closed Tuesday. 12 p.m. – 5 p.m., Saturday-Sunday. First and third Friday of the month open until 9 p.m. $5 general admission, wheelchair accessible. 919-513-0946,
NC Museum of History, 5 E. Edenton St., Raleigh — 150 years ago on May 20, 1861, NC seceded from the Union to join the Confederate States of America, beginning the state’s involvement in the Civil War; on exhibit: “North Carolina and the Civil War: The Breaking Storm, 1861-1862.” Across from the State Capitol. 919-807-7900 or ncmuseumofhistory. org or Facebook.
NC Museum of Natural Sciences, 11 W. Jones St., Raleigh — Documents/interprets natural history of North Carolina through exhibits, research, collections, publications, educational programming. Mon-Sat., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sun., noon-5 p.m. Free general admission. An agency of the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 919-733-7450,
NC Museum of Life and Science, 433 Murray Ave., Durham — $10.85 adult; $8.85 seniors 65 plus and military personnel with ID; $7.85 children age 3-12; free for children age two and younger. Train rides additional $2.50 per person, ornithopter rides $1. 919-220-5429,
Children’s Museum of Winston-Salem, 390 S. Liberty St. — Museum hours: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, 1-5 p.m. Sunday. $6 adults and children. 336-723-9111 or