10th Annual Bare Bones 5K Run/Walk is Saturday

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Knox Middle School will be the site of the Bare Bones 5K and Half-mile Fun Run this Saturday. The 5K kicks off at 8:30 a.m. and the Fun Run follows at about 8:50 a.m. Awards will be given in 14 age categories for both male and female. A unique dri-fit shirt will go to all participants in the 5K and the Fun Run. Refreshments will follow the completion of both events.
This year for the first time, all proceeds will go to Relay for Life, honoring those women who have experienced breast cancer. The shirt will commemorate breast cancer awareness. New or gently worn running shoes will be collected for Rowan Helping Ministries.
The race course is mostly flat and utilizes the Greenway and Prescott Drive. The finish is on the track at Knox Middle School. The event is sponsored by the Salisbury Rowan Runners, Cheerwine, Relay for Life, Knox Middle School and Sportrax.
Nationally recognized Race Director David Abernathy is again excited about the event. He said “We expect to have the biggest attendance yet. There is something new every year. Come out and see what happens this year. It is our first time in the club’s 30 plus years to be associated with Relay for Life. Come help us celebrate the many women in our area who have been afflicted with this terrible disease.”
More information can be found online at www.salisburyrowanrunners.org and www.active.com. Other inquiries can go to 704-310-6741.