Ceremony planned for fallen officers
Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 14, 2011
SALISBURY ó A ceremony Tuesday will pay tribute to law enforcement officers who have given their lives in the line of duty and honor those who continue to serve.
The 2011 Rowan County Peace Officers Memorial Service will take place at First Presbyterian Church, 308 W. Fisher Street.
Organized by the Salisbury Police Department and Rowan County Sheriffís Office during National Police Week, the service is open to the public.
The service will begin at noon with the Salisbury Police Honor Guardís posting of colors, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by the Law Enforcement Explorers.
The explorers will place a wreath before the ceremony.
The service will include prayer, music and a reading of the names of officers across the state who lost thier lives in the past year, as well as local officers who have died in the line of duty since 1927.
ěWe encourage our citizens to attend this memorial service as we honor those brave men and women who so selflessly gave their lives in service for others. The loss for their families is beyond measure and we offer our sincere comfort and prayers,î Salisbury Police Chief Rory Collins said in a press release. ěThe dedication and unyielding valor of these officers will never be forgotten. Their insistent desire to protect and serve others will remain a beacon unto our hearts forever.î
Salisbury Mayor Susan Kluttz said in the press release that the service will also allow the city to ětake this opportunity to extend our appreciation to all law enforcement officers for the valiant service they provide throughout our community.î
ěWe pray for their continued safe return home to family and friends each day,î Kluttz said. ěIt is with the greatest dignity and respect that we express our appreciation to our many law enforcement professionals. You serve a far greater purpose than yourselves and for that sincere dedication, we offer our everlasting gratitude.î