Granite Quarry looks at new siren system

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 4, 2011

By Mark Wineka
GRANITE QUARRY — Civil defense sirens are in place at 20 of 34 fire departments in Rowan County, including Granite Quarry.
Most can be automatically activated from the Rowan County Emergency Services communications center, when the National Weather Service issues a tornado warning for our area.
The sirens sound for 3 minutes, as an alert for people outside that violent weather is on the way and that they should seek appropriate shelter.
Granite Quarry’s siren, however, is not automatically activated by the county communications center. It must be done manually.
Fire Chief David Morris told the Granite Quarry Board of Aldermen that it raises some concerns for him because, many times, his personnel already may be dispatched away from the station and no one is left to operate the siren manually.
Setting up the automatic feature through the county would cost $500 to $1,500, Morris estimated. He recommended that he investigate further, and aldermen gave him the OK.
Alderman Eloise Peeler also asked whether the Fire Department could be made available to residents as a storm shelter, for people concerned about the stability of their own residences or for those who would rather not be alone. Morris said the fire station can fill that need.
April was a record month in North Carolina for tornadoes.
In other business, Mayor Mary Ponds is reminding citizens that the town will be making Dumpsters available for their spring cleaning May 12-14. The town dumpsters are for the use of Granite Quarry residents only.
A Kids Fish For Fun Day will be held from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. June 4 at Granite Lake Park, 500 N. Salisbury Ave. The event is for children who are in elementary school or middle school. Call 704-279-5596, extension 204, to sign up for a fishing spot or for more information.
Contact Mark Wineka at 704-797-4263.