Superior Probation Court Feb. 14
Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 7, 2011
Superior Probation Court Feb. 14
Disposition of cases heard the week of Feb. 14, 2011, in Rowan Superior Probation Court by Judge William Z. Wood Jr.:
Abbreviation Key:
CAAF ń Court-appointed attorney fee
CSW ń Community service work
Felony probation violation ń Maria Holshouser Biggers, 4 charges, all charges dismissed by the court; John Preston Harrity in willful violation, 7-to-9-month sentence invoked, jail credit, DART program and work release recommended, pay $300 CAAF; Issac Hilton Johnson, 10-to-12-month sentence invoked at defendantís request; Timothy McCain, 5-to-6-month sentence invoked at defendantís request, jail credit; Michelle Lea McDaniels, 2 charges, in willful violation in first case, 6-to-8-month sentence invoked, pay $300 CAAF, judgment amended from 4-to-6 months to 4-to-5 months and invoked at defendantís request, court also modifies sentences to run concurrently; Michael Dean Moore, in willful violation, continue on probation, supervised probation extended 18 months, may transfer to unsupervised probation if all money is paid; Clinton Bruce Rhoney, 6-to-8-month sentence invoked at defendantís request, jail credit; Cody Odell Walser, in willful violation, 6-to-8-month sentence invoked, DART program recommended.
Misdemeanor probation violation out-of-county ń William Foshay, also misdemeanor probation violation, in willful violation in both cases, 45-day sentence invoked in each case, report to Rowan County Jail at 4:30 p.m. Feb. 21, 2011, to begin serving sentences; Brandon Christopher Holmes, in willful violation, continue on probation, supervised probation extended 6 months, to be arrested and held without bond until brought before a Superior Court judge if he has any positive drug screens; Ryan Hurlocker, 120-day sentence invoked at defendantís request; Jeffery Kevin Robeson, in willful violation, 150-day sentence invoked, jail credit.
Misdemeanor probation violation ó Danny Ray Gulledge Jr., 2 charges, in willful violation, continue on probation, supervised probation extended 12 months, complete 72 hours CSW and pay fee, serve 48 hours in jail at direction of probation officer; Rebecca Johnson, order of remand; Rodriquez Dwayne Mashore, 2 charges, in willful violation in both cases, 120-day sentence invoked in each case with second to be served at expiration of first; Ray Alexander Peters, 2 charges, probation terminated successfully; Katherine Reynolds, 45-day sentence invoked at defendantís request; Destin Lamar Sloan, 45-day sentence invoked at defendantís request, jail credit, pay $225 CAAF; Shameika Toomer, probation terminated unsuccessfully, pay $300 CAAF.
Felony probation violation out-of-county ń Rose Lynn Hager, court does not find willful violation, supervised probation extended 6 months; William Jack D. Upright, 5-to-6-month sentence invoked at defendantís request.