Town Crier – 3-28-11
Published 12:00 am Monday, March 28, 2011
China Grove Community Blood Drive, 2-6:30 p.m., . Location to be announced. Call the American Red Cross office at 704-633-3854.
Salisbury/Rowan Senior Games Duplicate Bridge tournament, Oak Park Retirement. 704-216-7780
Kannapolis City Council, 6 p.m. Train Station, 201 S. Main St.
Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education, 5 p.m., 110 S. Long St., East Spencer.
Rowan County Planning Board, 7 p.m., 130 W. Innes St.
Rowan County Child Abuse Prevention Task Force, 5:15 p.m., J. Newton Cohen Administration Building, 130 W. Innes St., Room 203.
Community Blood Center of the Carolinas blood drive, St. Markís Lutheran Church, 326 N. Main St., China Grove, 3-5:30 p.m.
Salisbury Arbor Day Celebration, 10 a.m., Foil-Tatum Park, 223 N. McCoy Road, sponsored by City of Salisbury Landscape Operations, Salisbury Parks and Recreation and the Tree Board. For more information, email or call 704-638-5291.
Rufty-Holmes Senior Center Movie of the Month, 2 p.m., ěREDî with Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman and Louise Parker. Free.
Livingstone Theater Department presents ěSteal Away,î March 30-April 2, 7 p.m. nightly and 4 p.m. Sunday. $5 admission. Little Tubman Theater, 701 W. Monroe St. 704-216-6047.
Spencerís new front-yard parking ordinance goes into effect. For more information, call Town Hall at 704-633-2231.
ěHairspray,î The Meroney Theater, 7:30 p.m. March 31-April 2; 2:30 p.m. April 3., 704-633-5471
ěHonk!î presented by Old Courthouse Theater, March 31-April 17, 49 Spring St., Concord. Tickets $15/$12/$10. 704-788-2405.
FRIDAY, April 1
Salisbury Civitan Club Spaghetti Feast, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 5-7:30 p.m., Salisbury Civic Center. $7, eat in or take out. Children under 6 eat free with parents.
Discover Whatís Outside Salisbury Sculpture Show begins, with 14 sculptures erected throughout downtown Salisbury and two others placed on the campus of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College.
Friday Forum, Rowan County Chamber of Commerce, 7:30-9 a.m., The Gateway Building, 204 E. Innes St. Topic: ěRowan-Cabarrus Community College: Advancing the Community,î presented by Carol Spalding, president of RCCC.
Second Time Around April Foolís Day 5K Classic, 6:30 p.m., Stanly County Family YMCA, 427 N. First St., Albemarle.
Salisbury Historic Trolley Tours resume, 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., every Saturday through October
Carson High School Prom Committee Flapjack Fundraiser, 8-10 a.m., Applebee’s, 205 Faith Road. Tickets are $7 and can be purchased at the door or by calling (704) 855-7297.
3rd Annual Salisbury Sculpture Show Artists Symposium, ěThe Entrepreneurial Artist,î 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. at Waterworks Visual Arts Center, 123 E. Liberty St. Cost of $35 includes breakfast and a boxed lunch.
Center for Faith & the ArtsMuse and Spirit Festival, Looking Glass Artist Collective Black Box Theater, 405 N. Lee St.; 3-4:30 p.m., painting demonstration by Justin R. Christenbery; 5-7 p.m., opening reception for the exhibit ěBreaking Through: a visual journey into awakeningî by Christenbery; 8-11:30 p.m., festival concert featuring Sy Arden, stephaniesid and The Sky Captains of Industry, with Christenbery painting to the music. (Painting to be auctioned to benefit Center for Faith & the Arts.) Admission $6 in advance, $8 at the door.
North Hills Schoolís ěFore the Futureî Golf Tournament, in memory of Jonny Richardson, at Corbin Hills Golf Club. For more information contact Kris VonCanon at 704-202-9791 or by email at
The Yadkin Riverkeeperís Tour de Yadkin, an annual month-long paddling trek down 185 miles of the Yadkin River, April 2-30., 336-722-4949
SUNDAY, April 3
Memorial concert for the late Professor Emeritus Marvin W. Burke, Pfeiffer Chapel, Misenheimer. 4 p.m. Free. 704-463-3147.
Send info to
MONDAY, April 4
Rowan County Board of Commissioners, 3 p.m., 130 W. Innes St. (Shown on Access16 Thursday, Saturday and Monday at 9 a.m., 3 p.m., 8 p.m.; and on Kannapolis Time Warner Channel 22 Saturday at 8 p.m.)
Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners work session, 3:30 p.m., Cabarrus County Governmental Center, 65 Church Street, SE, Concord.
Landis Board of Aldermen, 7 p.m., Town Hall, 312 S. Main St., Landis.
Cleveland Town Board of Commissioners, 7 p.m., Town Hall, 302 E. Main St.
TUESDAY, April 5
Habitat for Humanity of Rowan, barbecue chicken fundraiser, $8, Salisbury Civic Center, Martin Luther King Ave.
Salisbury City Council, 4 p.m., City Hall, 217 S. Main St. (Shown on Access16 Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays at 9 a.m., 3 p.m., 8 p.m.)
China Grove Board of Aldermen, 7 p.m., Town Hall, 205 Swink St., China Grove.
Blinded Veterans Association, Southern Piedmont Chapter, first Thursday each month, Golden Corral, Concord; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; 704-636-1472 or
AARP Local Chapter Meeting, Rufty-Holmes Senior Center, 1120 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave., 1 p.m. Speaker: Mark Loman, Rowan County magistrate. The local AARP chapter offers members a variety of community service, education, advocacy, leadership, and fellowship opportunities. Senior citizens age 50 and older are encouraged to attend the informative meetings and join the local chapter. Dues are $3 per year. Members do not have to be retired. Visitors are always welcome. Contact Rufty-Holmes Senior Center, 704-216-7714.
Statesville Evening Farmers Market opens, Pecan Park, open Thursdays April-October, 4 p.m. until.
Waterworks Artist EXPO Preview Dinner and Sale, 6:30-9 p.m., 704-636-1882.
ěWhoís Afraid of Virginia Woolf?î presented by St. Thomas Players, 7:30 p.m., April 7-9 and 13-16. Black Box Theater, 405 N. Lee St.
FRIDAY, April 8
Waterworks Artist EXPO, Friday and Saturday, F&M Trolley Barn, 125 E. Liberty St. Admission, $5.
14th Annual Salisbury Confederate Prison Symposium, April 8-10, sponsored by the Robert F. Hoke Chapter No. 78 of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Banquet, historical lectures and memorial services. For information, call 704-637-6411 or email
“Hop on Down” to the VFW Post 3006, 1200 Brenner Ave., Salisbury, for an all-you-can-eat breakfast. Adults, $6; children 10 and under, $3. For more details call 704-636-2104.
Colonial Spring Frolic, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Old Stone House. 704-633-5946.
Antique Trucks and Tractors Show, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., N.C. Transportation Museum.
MONDAY, April 11
Master Gardeners Earth Day on the Greenway.
North Hills Christian School American Red Cross blood drive, in the school’s Helen Kelley Smith Gymnasium, 2- 6:30 p.m. Contact the school to schedule an appointment at 704636-3005 ext. 400. Walk-ins welcome.
TUESDAY, April 12
Scrabble Scramble, 5:30 p.m.,Holiday Inn Salisbury. Buffet dinner, three rounds of team Scrabble. $25 per person, $250 table of 10. Sponsored by Rowan County Literacy Council, 704-216-8266.
THURSDAY, April 14
Enviromingle mingling and networking event, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Old Cabarrus Bank Building, Kannapolis. Hosted by the Center for the Environment. RSVP
SATURDAY, April 16
Salisbury Farmers Market opens, corner of South Main and Bank streets.
Fit Community 10K, also featuring a shorter walking loop and a kids fun run, 8 a.m., City Park Shelter 1, Lake Drive. $25 pre-registration, $30 day of race registration. For more information call 704-638-5291!.
Touch a Truck, 10 a.m.ń1 p.m., First Bank/Wachovia/Salisbury Post parking lots in Downtown Salisbury; no charge. For more information call City Park Center at 704-638-5295!
Project Reassurance Community Baby Shower, noon-1:30 p.m. at the Rowan County Public Library, 201 West Fisher St. Sponsored by the Lambda Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority.
Rolling Thunder Bike/Car Show and Poker Run, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Tilley Harley-Davidson, Statesville. To support POWs, MIAs and veterans. Poker Run entry fee, $20 single, $25 double. Show entry is $15.
Litter Sweep in North Carolina, proclaimed by Gov. Beverly Perdue, April 16-30.
SATURDAY, April 23
Spencer Arbor Day Celebration, 10 a.m.-noon, Eighth Street Ball Park. Entertainment, food, music and plant swap. Sponsored by Spencer Community Appearance Commission.
FRIDAY, April 29
Sleeping Beauty PJ Party to benefit the Family Crisis Council of Rowan County, 6-11 p.m., High Rock Community Church, 708 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. $25. For more information, call 704-636-4718 ext. 1053.
SATURDAY, April 30
Nathan Brown House 5K, Granite Quarry.