Faith briefs
Published 12:00 am Friday, March 25, 2011
Pancake breakfast
KANNAPOLIS ó Lane Street Baptist Church will host a free pancake breakfast today, March 26, from 8 until 11 a.m.
Parenting workshop
Jabez Family Outreach is holding a free workshop today, March 26, from 10 a.m.ń4 p.m., with guest speaker Stan Johnson on ěBinding and Loosening.î
Facilitated by Dr. Terry Cassell, it will offer help for parents who feel that things are chaotic in the home and the children are in control.
Call 704-636-1415 for details. Jabez Family Outreach is located at 990 Airport Road.
Lillyís Chapel
Lillyís Chapel Church of God will old their annual Rainbow Tea on Saturday, March 26 at 3 p.m. There will be music, Bible trivia, a hat show and food.
The church is located at 618 W. Thomas St.
Salem Lutheran
Salem Lutheran Church celebrates Hope Sunday at the 8:30 a.m. contemporary service and the 10:45 a.m. traditional service.
An offering to World Vision will be received and blessed to provide food, clean water, medicine, education, and housing for children around the world.
More than $700 has been received so far, gifts made possible by Youth of Salem and Youth Commission International of West Rowan Middle and High School.
These youth participated in World Visionís 30 Hour Famine and went without food for 24 hours while doing serving projects to raise the offering, including rebuilding a ramp for a local handicapped couple and cooking for and serving 150 people at the Rowan Helping Ministries Sunday worship and lunch.
Other projects include an opportunity to sponsor a child for World Vision, and the upcoming Childrenís Consignment Sale. Call the church for more information at 704-647-0554,
Salem is located at 5080 Sherrills Ford Road and the pastor is Doug Hefner.
Providence Revival
Providence United Methodist Church, 6450 Bringle Ferry Road, will host a revival beginning at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, March 27 and continuing through 7 p.m., Wednesday, March 30.
Special guest Speaker will be the Rev. Mark Loman, Associate Evangelist of the Wesleyan Church, Gold Hill. Loman is president of Carry Hope Ministries, a radio ministry committed to spreading the gospel to a hurting world.
Tuesday, March 29 is Youth Night. Special music on Sunday features One Road Home; on Monday, Michael and Gaynell Lambert; on Tuesday, Grace 4 U and on Wednesday, the Providence UMC Choir.
Oakdale Baptist
SPENCER ó Revival services will begin Sunday morning, March 27 at 11 a.m. at Oakdale Baptist Church,
The Sunday night service will be at 6 p.m. Services Monday through Wednesday will be at 7 p.m. each evening.
Monday night is Bring A Neighbor Night, with speaker Pastor Joe Smith of Faith. Tuesday night is Deacon Family Flock Night and Wednesday is Sunday School Class Night.
Call 704-633-9412 for more information. The church is located at 200 Charles St.
Hallís Chapel
Hallís Chapel Gospel Chorus celebrates its second anniversary on Sunday, March 27 at 2 p.m. The church is located at 611 E. Monroe St.
New Zion Missionary
The Fannie Ford Willing Workers Missionary Circle of New Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Dunnís Mountain Road, will observe their annual Missionary Day Sunday, March 27 at 3 p.m.
The Rev. Carolyn Bratton, pastor of Mooreís Chapel AME Zion Church, will be the guest speaker. The Rev. Paul Jones Sr. is pastor.
Henderson Grove
Henderson Grove Missionary Baptist Church hosts the All Male Community Choir from Statesville (formerly known as the St. John Male Choir) on Sunday, March 27 at 3 p.m.
The Rev. Perry Dye is host pastor.
Hallís Temple
Hallís Temple will be holding a Twelve Tribes rally on SUNDAY, March 27 at 3:30 p.m. Bishop T. Washington from Kannapolis will be the presenter of the tribes. Host pastor is the Rev. E. Bruce Jr.
The church is located on N. Long St.
Mt. Calvary
Mt. Calvary Holy Church of Salisbury will host the Sunday evening fellowship service on March 27 at 5 p.m.
The speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Larry Blackwell and the Move Of God International Ministries of Greensboro.
The church is located at 1400 Standish St.
An Elvis experience
A family fun-filled hour with Michael Thomas singing Elvisís Gospel and rock and roll songs takes place on Sunday, March 27, from 6-7 p.m. at the Woodleaf Community Building. Light refreshments will be served and seating is limited.
This event is sponsored by the mission coordinator at Woodleaf Methodist Church.
Donations will be accepted for both Michael and for the Carolina Cross Connection mission trip that is planned for July 31-Aug. 6 by youth and adults from Woodleaf Methodist and Mt. Tabor Methodist churches.
From Salisbury, take Woodleaf Road to Cool Springs Road (cross 801 at the intersection in Woodleaf). Turn left into the community building, beside the Woodleaf Fire Department.
Emmanuel Baptist
The Fourth Sunday Night Singing brings local gospel group D. C. (Darrell Connor) and The Chosen Few to Emmanuel.
This event is at the evening worship service on March 27, at 6 p.m. There will be an offering received for the group.
Emmanuel is located at 2300 Bringle Ferry Road. Gene Sides is pastor of Emmanuel, and Crystal Cornelison is music director.
South China Grove
CHINA GROVE ó Gloria Ross, missionary evangelist and musician, will speak Sunday night, March 27, at 6:30 p.m., at the South China Grove Church of God.
Ross has preached in Trinidad, Africa, and in many churches and conferences in the United States. Special music will also be provided.
The church is located at 163 Third Ave. in China Grove. For more information, call Pastor Joyce Miles at 704-467-4555.
Second Presbyterian
Salisbury Second Presbyterian, 732 Lincolnton Road, will host their fourth M&M (meal and message) of the Lenten season on Wednesday, March 30 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Dick Palmore, elder, will present his Lenten message. The meal will be provided by Tonya Zimmerman and the fellowship committee.No reservations required and all are welcome.
Rose Hill Baptist
KANNAPOLIS ó Rose Hill Baptist Church celebrates its annual spring revival Monday through Wednesday, March 28-30, beginning at 7 p.m. nightly.
Mondayís speaker is Pastor Sidney Phillips of Greater Mt. Moriah Primitive Baptist in Charlotte; Tuesdayís speaker is Pastor Norman E. Kerry of Chappell Memorial Baptist in Charlotte and Wednesdayís speaker is Dr. Leonzo Lynch, Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist of Charlotte.
Rose Hill is located at 216 Rice St. The pastor is the Rev. Keith Gaston Jr. Call 704-933-0963 for more information.
Fairview Heights
The annual Spring Revival will be held March 30-April 1 at Fairview Heights Baptist Church, off Concord Road, at 7 p.m. nightly.
Wednesdayís speaker is the Rev. Dennis Clodfelter of New Life Worship Center in Lexington. Thursdayís speaker is the Rev. Keith Curry of Old Smith Grove Baptist, Linwood and on Friday, the Rev Nilous Avery of Mt. Zion Baptist will speak.
Prince of Peace movie
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (corner of Hwy 152 and Old Salisbury Road) will host a movie night on Friday, April 1 at 7 p.m.
There is no cost and all are welcome to this family night of movie, popcorn and fun.
For more information, contact the church at 704-857-9588,, or at
First Free Will Baptist
LANDIS ó The Bluegrass Gospel Tones of Hickory will be performing at First Free Will Baptist Church of Landis on Saturday, April 2 at 7 p.m.
There is no admission charge, but a love offering will be taken. The church is located at 414 Upright St., where the Rev. Allen Merrington is pastor.
FUMC Lenten music
The Chancel Choir of First United Methodist Church will lead a Lenten Service of Music on Sunday, April 3 at 11 a.m.
Director of Music Matthew M. Brown will conduct the choir singing Felix Mendelssohnís setting of Psalm 42 for choir, soloist, and orchestra. Soprano Jodi Burns of the A.J. Fletcher Opera Institute at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts will be the guest artist.
First United Methodist Church is an official welcoming congregation of the United Methodist Church. For more information on the churchís music department and its offerings, contact the church office at 704-636-3121 or visit
The church is located at 217 S. Church St.
Vintage Quartet
ROCKWELL ó Vintage Quartet will be in concert Sunday, April 3 at 6 p.m. at Phaniels Baptist Church. A love offering will be taken for the group.
The church is located at 2685 Phaniel Church Road. For more information, call 704-782-9661 or visit phanielsbaptistchurch.
Faith-Based Partnership Training
On April 12, Communities in Schools will offer faith-based partnership training to help equip faith communities with the skills and information needed to establish or maintain long-term partnerships with a local CIS school.
Training will include: orientation to Communities in Schools, including research behind its current programs; elements needed for a successful partnership; ways to strengthen existing partnerships; and examples of how faith communities can become involved in programs such as tutoring and mentorship, backpack food programs, school supplies/medical/uniform support.
The meeting will be held from 10 a.m.-noon at the Gateway Building, 204 E. Innes St.
If you are interested in attending, RSVP to Doris Yost at 704-797-0210 or email
Etters Joins Stallings
Dr. Steve Etters has joined Stallings Memorial Baptist Church as part-time Director of Music. In this position, Etters will direct the choirs and choral ensembles at Stallings as well as lead in the worship services. He is currently Associate Professor of Music Education at Catawba College.
Etters has been involved for more than 20 years as a part-time church choir and music director. He has a Bachelor of Music Education, a Master of Education (Administration) from the University of South Carolina and a Doctor of Education (Curriculum and Instruction ń Music) from Virginia Tech.
He is an accomplished director, conductor, performer and trombonist and serves on various committees not only at Catawba, but within the community. He and his wife, Kim, reside in Salisbury and have three children.