People and Places
Published 12:00 am Friday, March 18, 2011
Speech awards given
The 2011 International Speech and Table Topics Competition hosted by People Growing Together (PGT) Toastmasters, was held on March 8. Area Governor Kim Jackson was Contest Master.
First place in the International Speech Competition was taken by Meretle ěDocî Wilson, local sergeant-at-arms with second place going to local club president Timothy ěTimî Edwards. First Place award for the Table Topics competition was won by Duane Andrews, local v.p. of public relations and second place was awarded to Teresa Harris, local v.p. of education.
PGT Toastmasters is a member of Toastmasterís International, and meets each week on Tuesday at 5 p.m. at 2121 Heilig Road.
Contact Duane Andrews at or 866-401-2987.