School board to talk budget
Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 12, 2011
By Sarah Campbell
The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education will talk budget Monday during a work session.
Chief Financial Officer Tara Trexler will go over information discussed during the boardís finance subcommittee meeting earlier this month.
Trexler will explain how the governorís proposed budget, if passed as is, could affect the district by shifting workers compensation, bus replacement cost and tort claims to local school systems.
Current estimates show the district could end up paying $1 million in workers compensation premiums as well as a possible $1.5 million toward open claims, Trexler said.
Transportation Director Judy Burris said three buses will likely need to be replaced next year at a cost of $240,000.
Tort claims could cost the district another $68,000.
Trexler said the governorís budget would also slash 10 percent from central office staff ó 127,000 locally.
Instructional support, which includes nurses, media specialists, intervention specialists, curriculum coaches and guidance counselors, could take a 5 percent ó $323,000 ó hit under the governorís proposal, according to Trexler.
The board will also discuss the possible effects of Senate Bill 8, which would lift the cap on the number of charter schools in the state.
The county allotment request will also be discussed during the meeting.
Superintendent Dr. Judy Grissom said during the finance subcommittee meeting that she doesnít want to ask the Rowan County commissioners for additional funding this year because of their own budget woes.
School board chairman Dr. Jim Emerson and board member Linda Freeze agreed, saying they would like county money to hold steady.
Board member Richard Miller requested a history of the countyís allotment in previous years before making up his mind.
The board will not take action during Mondayís meeting.
The meeting will begin at 5 p.m. at the Long Street Administrative Office, 110 S. Long St., East Spencer.
Contact reporter Sarah Campbell at 704-797-7683.