Letters to the editor – Friday (3-11-2011)

Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 10, 2011

Livingstone deserved better coverage
I was shocked that the Salisbury Post coverage of Livingstone College achievements at the CIAA Tournament was so sparse in the Sunday paper.
For a team that went to the finals for the first time in the collegeís esteemed history to only have a article on the last page of the sports section was disappointng.
Livingstone College represents the city of Salisbury and should have received more indepth coverage by your paper.
As Mayor Kluttz said at the school assembly today, Livingstone had the highest GPA of all the teams represented. Livingstoneís coach was named coach of the year. Livingstoneís band was chosen to play for the CIAA corporate sponsors.
Ms. Livingstone was also crowned Ms. CIAA. Livingstone basketball player Darius Cox was voted most valuable player in CIAA. The Livingstone team also won the Sportsmanship Award. The Livingstone womens basketball team is ranked ninth in the nation.
The CIAA finals were seen by over 1 million people on national television. A Livingstone student won a 2011 Toyota and a $200,000 scholarship.
Livingstone is of course proud of these achievements, and the city of Salisbury should be, too. I hope that with this information you will consider doing a story about Livingstone so that the residents of Salisbury can join in congratulating this school.
ó Linda Hunt
God expelled
The Feb. 26 article ěHeroes among us,î by the Rev. Dr. George Jackson, beautifully shared his perspective of a long-ago time, including incredible teachers and other blessings. I believe segregation was a harsh and cruel law, and I am so thankful it was finally overturned.
I could not experience segregation as Reverend Jackson did, but I could identify with one of the phrases he used. He mentioned how his teachers taught the Scriptures ěbefore God was expelled from school.î
During my high school years at Eastern, an all-girls public high school in Baltimore, Md., in the early 1950s, our teachers each morning read a portion of Scripture, often from Psalms. Then we had prayer and stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. I am thankful to have had those blessings day after day before some people in high places decided to end the free exercise of those rights.
Also, in addition to Bible readings and prayer, there were Christmas programs that were really Christmas programs.
We lost a lot when ěGod was expelled from school.î
ó Lee Hall