Letters to the editor – Monday (1-31-11)

Published 12:00 am Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tobacco crackdown isnít about public health
Regarding the proposed ban on tobacco use at the Department of Social Services site:
It is in the best public interest to ban smoking within the confines of medical facilities, restaurants and other public venues. However, I cannot see the wisdom in making such a big deal about people smoking in a parking lot or in their cars. This is not about your health, my health, the public health or making the DSS experience a much nicer one. It is about popular opinion. It is definitely not about air quality.
I could be wrong, but I am fairly certain that no one on the DSS board or any of the county commissioners uses public transportation, walks or rides a bicycle to work or is part of a car pool. At the same time, it also seems unlikely that the DSS board or commissioners would get excited about someone sitting in a car right outside the DSS front door with the motor running for 10, 15 minutes or more. My question to them would be this: Where do you think all this toxic exhaust goes? Apparently, you think it all disappears, while all that tobacco smoke stays grounded on earth and hovers right in front of your face and your delicate sensibilities way out in the hinterlands of that parking lot.
You are all so concerned about the air quality outside of DSS, but it probably would not stop you from hopping into a gas-guzzling SUV and driving to some mall for no better reason than you just feel like it. So, it must be OK to damage the air quality as long it is on your terms and it suits you.
Next question: How can you justify spending the time and money policing such a ridiculous issue, especially at a time when money is tight? Are you going to have the Tobacco Police out there? It seems to me that if you have that kind of money to spend you ought to be able to hire more social workers, or at the very least, buy a receptacle for all the butts youíre whining about. In light of the above, you might just want to stop to consider that this is not about public interest, it is overkill.
ó Cynthia Hoffner
Mount Ulla
Still waiting for Obama to deliver on promises
Regarding Cal Thomasí ěPromises, promisesî column (Jan. 21):
When are the American people going to wake up? Itís true Obama has an eloquence when delivering a speech, but I canít for the life of me believe anyone could sit there and believe anything he promises.
Since he entered office weíve watched the numbers go up for unemployment, homelessness, taxes, gas prices and the list keeps growing. We the people need jobs; this country can’t turn around with everyone on unemployment. We the people need to wake up.
ó Susan Brendle
China Grove
Cameras would deter drive-through crimes
Regarding the woman being robbed at the Wendyís drive-through:
I think that the Wendyís at 515 East Innes St. in Salisbury needs to have security cameras.
ó Carl Massie