Yesterday: May Queen at Spencer High School

Published 12:00 am Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mildred Collins of Salisbury shared this picture of the May Queen and her court during the May Queen Festival for Spencer High School in 1934. Alma Curlee, center, was May Queen, thanks to her ability to raise pennies. ěThe one who got the most pennies got to be May Queen,î Collins says. ěBack in those days, it wasnít easy to raise pennies.î Collins is the fourth girl from the right. The photograph was taken in Spencerís old town park, a block from the school. Collins can remember some of the names. The girl second from the left is Edna Rose Harrison, and Ann J. Benton Parker is next to her (third from left). Mildred Benton is to the immediate left of the queen, and Evelyn Lippett is to the right of the queen. Mildred Collins was Mildred Julian at the time. She later married A.L. ěChickî Collins. An interesting side note: The couple were married in South Carolina April 20, 1935. Accompanying them on the trip to South Carolina were May Queen Alma Curlee and the man she married, Tom Shores.
If you have a ëYesterdayí photograph you would like to share with Post readers, contact Mark Wineka at 704-797-4263, or via e-mail at