Christmas Happiness Dec. 17, 2009
Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 17, 2009
By Shavonne Potts
Joyce Kneip died in 2007 after her third bout with breast cancer.
Three years later, she is being remembered by friend Debbie Eller, who made a $25 donation to the Christmas Happiness Fund in memory of Kneip.
Today Kneip would’ve celebrated her 53rd birthday.
“She was probably the best friend I ever had. I knew her for 27 years,” Eller said.
This is the third holiday Eller has spent without her friend.
The two women met in 1980 when they lived in the same duplex on Walton Road. They were friends ever since.
“She was someone I could count on. She was with me throughout things in my life. I was with her throughout things in her life,” Eller said.
Kneip was the kind of friend who was always there. When life changed their individual circumstances, “we always maintained contact over the years.”
Kneip knew her cancer was terminal, but she lived a life that was an example to others around her, including Eller.
“I admired her faith and courage. She grew spiritually,” Eller said of Kneip’s last years.
Eller just thought this was a good way to honor her longtime friend.
“She was such an inspiration to me. She was very involved in her church. I admired the life that she lived,” Eller said.
Kneip’s sister, Pat Doby, also made a contribution in her honor.
Yesterday’s total $33,965.25
In honor and appreciation of Pam Abernathy and Sherry Kluttz by Bob Setzer $50
In honor of our Sunday school teachers, Jeanne Shaver and Clyde Harriss, by Patterson Wessinger S.S. Class, St Mark’s Lutheran Church, Salisbury $25
In loving memory of Eva Adams, our longtime class secretary, by Patterson Wessinger S.S. Class, St Mark’s Lutheran Church, Salisbury $25
In honor of all Veterans, past and present by Kennedy-Hall American Legion Post 106 $100
Molly Lyerly/Daisy Poplin WELCA Group of Union Lutheran Church $25
In memory of Fred and Nooke Blackwood by Caryn Blackwood $100
In memory of our deceased classmates by the Class of 1959 BHS “lunch bunch” $126
In memory of my sister Joyce Kneip on her birthday “December 17, 1956” by Pat Doby $25
In honor of my teachers at Knox Middle School, Ms. Stubbs, Ms. Brooks, Ms. Coatson, Ms Mirchell, Ms Woods, and Mr Kyzer, by Kathryn Rusher $75
In memory of Ruth and Claude Trexler, Lucy and Worth Rusher by Kathryn, Bo, and Lille $100
In memory of Jennie and Thuronan Mabry, Ruth and Roy Daugherty, Truly Daugherty, Lucille and Paul Strother by Charlie Daugherty and Lois and Bill McCorkle $100
In loving memory of deceased members and in loving honor of the priests and members of Blessed Sacrament Orthodox Catholic Church $20
In memory of Polly G. Holshouser, Founder, by Circle No.7 of First United Church of Christ $50
In memory of Dermot and Katharyn Weaver, Ned and Ilene Norris, and Mark Norris by Eric, Kathy, Erin, Kristen, Jonathan, and Zack $50
In honor of Will, Neely, Miranda, and Tyler by Buck and Colleen $100
In loving memory of Lewis J. Alsobrooks by Margaret L. Alsobrooks $25
In honor of family, friends and neighbors by Margaret L. Alsobrooks $25
In memory of my husband, Wiley Morgan, by Elizabeth Morgan $50
In memory of Ricky Donnell Childers by The Childers-McKee-Thompson families $320
In memory of James G. Hudson Jr. by his family $100
In memory of Jake and Molly by Jim and Jacque Rice $100
In memory of Debbie Shermer by Linda and Gordon Shermer $100
Dearborn/Shive’s class First United Church of Christ $50
In honor of Jean McIntyre by John Wesley S.S. Class at Woodleaf Methodist Church $25
In honor of Jeff and Katie Owings, our loving children, by Dana and Jan Samuelson $200
Ms. Marie Hocutt $25
In honor of Matthew W. Brown and Chancel Choir of First United Methodist Church by Denny and Carol White $150
In memory of George A. Brown by Naomi C. Brown $100
Anonymous $100
In memory of the Rev. Bennie Bearden and Mr. and Mrs. R.W Schenk by Norman and Gloria Schenk $40
In memory of our parents, Clyde and Lala Deal and N.A and Martha Troutman, by Raney and Pauline Troutman $100
In honor of Tonya Yates by Life Principles Sunday School class at Shiloh Reformed Church of Faith $25
In honor of Nina Tomlinson by Ursinus United Church of Christ Senior Adult Sunday School Class $50
In honor of all our class members from Grace Bible Church Timothy Sunday School Class $50
In loving memory of mom and dad by Phyl $50
Anonymous $25
Spencer Lodge No 2019 $100
In honor of Grandma and Pop Pop by Joy, Carl, Ben $100
In loving memory of my husband, Robert (Bob) Powles by Betty Powles $25
In honor of Harvey and Irene Hinson $50
In memory of Bob Straughn $150
In honor of Saint Coder anonymous $30
Today’s Total $3,161
Grand Total $37,126.25