Meet North's Symphony Robetrs
Published 12:00 am Monday, December 7, 2009
Name: Symphony Roberts
School: North Rowan
Sports: Basketball, volleyball, softball
Family: Mom, Dad, Rob, Rennetta, Tennille, Jason
Nickname: Big Symph
Hidden talent: Saxophone
Favorite restaurant: Cookout
Favorite class: AP Statistics
Favorite TV show: The Game
Favorite movie: Love and Basketball
Favorite sports team: Spurs
Favorite athlete: Tony Parker
Favorite musician: Kierra “Kiki” Sheard
Three words that best describe me: Smart, cute, athletic
Celebrity dream date: Mario
Actress starring in the movie about my life: Halle Berry
Biggest rival: Salisbury
My greatest accomplishment: All-county in volleyball and basketball
Career goal: Valedictorian
If I become a millionaire by age 20, I will: Start my own business, give the rest to my family