Day in the Life Dec. 7, 2009
Published 12:00 am Monday, December 7, 2009
Become a part of the Post’s Day in the Life feature by sending in your photos online.
Much like the Day in the Life section the Post published annually for many years, these photos can help give a snapshot of the community and the people who live here. We’re not limiting the time frame to a specific day. We want to share local faces and places.
To submit your photos, go to and click on “Post your photos” near the top of the homepage; then click on “Groups.” You’ll see the Day in the Life group there and can follow the easy instructions to share your digital photos.
The photos will become part of an online gallery, and we’ll select some to publish in the paper each Monday in a Day in the Life. Submissions need to include who shot the picture and information about who is in the picture.
For more information, contact Jeremy Judd at or call 704-797-4280.