Bridge-Atlanta Tournament
Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 3, 2009
Atlanta’s Holiday SuperSectional Tournament is scheduled for Dec. 9-13. The Holiday Inn Northeast, 2001 Clearview Ave., Doraville, is the playing site.
Details are in the November District 7 News.
Dick Brisbin and Steve Moore placed first in the annual Club Charity duplicate game last Tuesday evening at the Salisbury Woman’s Club.
Other winners were: June Evans and Billy Burke, second; Betsy Bare and Gloria Bryant, third; Marie Pugh and Becky Creekmore, fourth.
This was the deal on Board 5 from Tuesday’s game:
North dealer, only N/S vulnerable
«K 3Ş A 8 5
u K Q 9 7 6 5
¨ A 8
« 7 4 2 « 9 8 6 5
Ş K J 7 6 2 Ş Q 10 9 4
u A 4 u J 10 2
¨ K 9 7 ¨ Q 6
« A Q J 10
Ş 3
u 8 3
¨ J 10 5 4 3 2
The Brisbin/Moore pair defeated their South opponent’s four spades contract three tricks for the best E/W score on this deal. The Creekmore/Pugh pair fulfilled a five diamonds doubled contract for the top N/S score.n n n
Billy Burke is ACBL, Life Master director of the Salisbury Woman’s Club weekly duplicate games.