train hits logging truck
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009
By Mark Wineka
Salisbury Post
CLEVELAND ó A Norfolk Southern freight train hit the rear axle of a logging truck as it crossed the railroad tracks at the entrance to Shaver Wood Products Inc. off U.S. 70 late Monday morning.There were no injuries to the truck’s driver or the train’s engineer.
Several logs from the back of the truck were split and scattered on both sides of the tracks.
The train of about 40 cars was headed west when the accident occurred. Shaver Wood Products is located at the Rowan County-Iredell County line.
After the collision, the engine was able to stop about 14 cars past the crossing.
The N.C. Highway Patrol investigated, but a report was not available Monday evening.
A couple of other logging trucks looking to make deliveries to Shaver Wood Products were told they would be stuck behind the wreck for a couple of hours until Norfolk Southern authorities could arrive.
Cleveland Community Fire Department responded and was on the scene until about 12:30 p.m.
One firefighter said it could have been a lot worse.
“The engineer’s fine, the driver’s fine, and there’s no fuel leak,” he noted. “We couldn’t ask for anything better except for it not to happen.”