Local Week of the Young Child activities planned
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009
As part of the national Week of the Young Child celebrated across the country this week, Smart Start Rowan is honoring young children and all those who make a difference in children’s lives.
“All young children need and deserve high-quality early learning experiences that will prepare them for life, and Salisbury has a great opportunity to do their part to help young children,” said Laura Villegas, director of Child Care Connections Resource and Referral, a service of Smart Start Rowan. “Week of the Young Child is a time to recognize the importance of early learning for all young children.
This year Smart Start Rowan is sponsoring joining others in activities to commemorate the Week of the Young Child.
One of the activities is the “Read to Me” program, in which local volunteers are visiting child-care facilities all week to read to preschoolers. Interested volunteers can contact Amanda Ford at 704-603-3367.
And the “Healthy Parenting Rowan Video Debut” will be held 6:30-8:30 p.m. Friday at the F&M Trolley Barn. The community is invited to view the new Healthy Parenting Rowan Video and enjoy food and children’s activities, as well as visit with representatives from local resources.
Week of the Young Child, sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, is an opportunity for early childhood programs across the country, including child care and Head Start programs, preschools and elementary schools, to bring awareness to the needs of young children.
Young children and their families depend on high-quality education and care, which help children get a great start, and bring lasting benefits, Smart Start said. Week of the Young Child emphasizes the importance of early learning and early literacy and celebrates the teachers and policies that bring early childhood education to young children.
Smart Start Rowan includes community volunteers, local business leaders and early childhood professionals who work together to improve professional practice and working conditions in early childhood education and to build public support for high-quality early childhood education programs.