Faith Briefs
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Agape Mime
The Agape Mime, along with the adult and youth dance ministries of Word of Life Family Worship Center, will sponsor a “Praise Extravaganza” with the theme “Ministry in Motion” at 4 p.m. today.
The Agape Mime ministry is under the direction of LaTishia Atkinson. The church is located at 726 E. Liberty St. The public is invited.
For more information call 704-633-2431.
Word of Life
Word of Life Family Worship Center (formerly New Testament Word of Faith) will have its 2008 homecoming service at 11 a.m. Sunday. This will be a time of celebration to commemorate 20 years of fellowship at the facility, 726 E. Liberty St. The church officially started in 1951 at 1001 Short St.
Previous members and friends are invited. There will be special music and sharing of history.
Word of Life will also have a Thanksgiving service at 11 a.m. Thursday. Dr. Martha Starks, pastor, will bring the sermon.
The congregation is contributing new and gently worn coats to Rowan Helping Ministries.
For more information, call 704-633-2431.
Remnant in Christ
Remnant in Christ Outreach Worship Center Inc. (RICO) will host a musical program featuring the best in gospel music, liturgical dance and mime.
The program will be today at 6 p.m. at RICO located at 627 Newsome Road.
All proceeds will benefit RICO’s building fund. The public is encouraged to come.
Contact Sisters Kara or Wanda at karajfreeman@aim. com, wandacuthbertson@ or 704-433-8566 for additional information.
Macedonia Baptist
There will be an ordination service at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church Sunday beginning at 4 p.m.
The guest speaker will be the Rev. Ambrose Jackson, pastor of Gospel Light Baptist Church, Greensboro. He will be accompanied by his choir and members.
The Rev. Dr. W. T. Jackson is pastor.
Macedonia will sponsor a Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday, Nov. 25 at 7 p.m.
The guest speaker will be the Rev. Joseph Robertson, pastor of New Creation Baptist Church, Statesville. The music will be rendered by the C. T. Haley Fellowship Choir of Macedonia.
First Presbyterian
Sunday is the dedication of faith commitments at all worship services at First Presbyterian Church of Salisbury.
The congregation will welcome Dr. Timothy Belflowers as interim Director of Music Ministries during worship. Everyone is welcome.
The Christian Education Committee is sponsoring an “Advent Happening” in the fellowship hall during Sunday school, 10-10:45 a.m. All ages are invited to make an Advent wreath (one per family), Christmas cards for the homebound members, tree ornaments and much more to aid in our preparation and celebration of the Advent/Christmas season. Each person is asked to bring a nonperishable food item for Rowan Helping Ministries.
All are invited to First Presbyterian’s annual Thanksgiving Eve soup supper and worship service Wednesday.
The supper is at 5:30 p.m. in Lewis Hall, after the Christmas parade downtown. The worship service will begin at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary and will be led by TWAM and the middle school and senior high youth discipleship groups.
Those attending are welcome to make donations for the TWAM Mexico trip.
Luther’s Lutheran
Luther’s Lutheran Church will host its second annual Community Thanksgiving Service at 6 p.m. Sunday.
A time of fellowship with coffee and fresh pie will follow the service. Everyone is asked to bring nonperishable items for both ministries’ food banks. The offering will be donated to Rowan Helping Ministries and Stanly Christian Ministries.
The church is located at the corner of Stokes Ferry Road and Richfield Road in eastern Rowan County. Everyone is welcome.
For details or questions, please contact Pastor Carol Yeager at 704-754-6287.
St. John’s Lutheran
For Thanksgiving Day worship, the congregation of St. John’s Lutheran Church will be joined by the members of Soldiers Memorial AME Zion Church.
The service begins at 10 a.m. in the St. John’s sanctuary, with the Rev. Dr. Grant Harrison preaching, Joanne Harrison and Rob Durocher accompanying on organ, a combined choir from both congregations leading music, and the people of Soldiers and St. John’s worshiping together. The Thanksgiving offering will go to Rowan Helping Ministries.
The two churches already have an ongoing relationship through two summer offerings of a music and arts camp for children, a Family Music Extravaganza last April and an upcoming guest appearance by Soldier Memorial’s Harrison and wife, Joanne, with the St. John’s Men’s Chorus in concert.
Love Christian Center
EAST SPENCER ó Love Christian Center will have its annual free Thanksgiving dinner Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
This annual event was started by Minister Edith Downs in 1996 in memory of her mother, who passed away in 1996. Free meals are given to anyone who desires a meal. Special effort is made to provide free meals to the homeless and shut in.
Love Christian Center is located at 102 N. Long St., East Spencer. The pastor of Love Christian Center is Bishop Ronald Hash.
For additional information call 704-267-8648.
Mount Zion Baptist
The Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church of Salisbury Inc. will celebrate Thanksgiving by hosting its annual Community Thanksgiving Day Worship on Thursday, Nov. 27, 10 a.m., at the Worship and Ministry Center, 1920 Shirley Ave. off Jake Alexander Boulevard and Clancy Street.
Bishop Harvey Rice, pastor of Mount Calvary Holy Church of Salisbury, will deliver the message. The music ministry and congregation of Mount Calvary will accompany him.
The Devotional Praise Team Ministries of Mount Calvary, Mount Zion, and other area churches will lead devotional Praise.
Dr. Nilous M. Avery II is host pastor and will lead the worship of praise, celebration and adoration.
This year’s theme is “GGEO (Glorify God, Edify Others) with a Passion for God and Compassion for People.” Dress is casual and everyone is asked to bring canned goods and/or nonperishable food items, which will be distributed to local helping agencies to assist families in need.
For more information and/or transportation, please contact 704-637-0954, or e-mail
Southern City
EAST SPENCER ó Southern City Tabernacle AME Zion Church, 940 S. Long St., East Spencer will sponsor a trip to the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center in Charlotte on Saturday, May 23 for the 2 p.m. matinee performance of “Oprah Winfrey presents The Color Purple the Musical.”The cost for the performance and transportation is $100. Dinner is on your own following the performance.
For more information call 704-636-1600.
St. Jude’s Bike-a-ThonA St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital Bike-a-Thon fundraiser was held Sept. 21 in Braunville Estates.
Youth members from Wittenberg Lutheran Church and Christiana Lutheran Church along with Braunville residents participated, with 33 bikers riding more than 250 miles, raising $1,654.25.
The funds were donated to the hospital as a memorial to Evelyn S. Loflin, who gave to St. Jude’s faithfully every month until her death.