Elaine Smart column
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009
By Elaine Smart
For the Salisbury Post
It seems that in passing we miss so much. Do we look at the flowers or the street signs? Do we view the families enjoying a beautiful day or holes in the pavement? Are our eyes fixed on the brilliant sun or the one dark cloud? Is the glass half empty? It is a shame, is it not?
The Father has indulged us with his creation. Beauty surrounds us, but we are blind. What about the animals, the birds singing in the trees, the puppies in mischief, the squirrels? Do we delight in the trees, the vegetation and the brilliant display of heavenly bodies? The Father has spread out a blanket for us advertising his creative genius. Yet we miss it.
The daffodils are shouting in yellow. The dogwoods are dressed in glamorous white, as new brides. Have you seen the children at play, weaving in and out of our consciousness? How awesome is the innocence of their dazzling contentment. Homes are decorated with the signature of the occupants. The genuine love that their hearts pour out in exclamation to the world that they are special. How about the blue of the ocean and the crashing tides? Do we miss them as we laboriously lather our boats?
Maintenance has replaced discovery. Frustration clouds contentment. Why is this so? It is because the adversary of God wants our focus upon destructible things. He values this world and draws our attention with subtle coercion.
We must have things to be successful. The more we have, the more we are committed to the loadstone around our necks and the less we can appreciate life.
Find your faith, exercise supernatural options, sing and dance with nature. Seek your freedom and hang onto it with every facet of your being. You may have had many birthdays, yet you do not have to be old. Your enthusiasm for life and its daily surprises can excite you and keep you young.
Look for smiles that acknowledge your joy. Trade frowns in for smiles. We all need them. Enter each brand new day with expectation. Fix your focus on challenges and opportunities. There are so many in need of what we have to give. Let’s just give it.
May we draw on the precious resources within our souls and spirits? Spread mirth and affection. There are so many who crave it. Can we be real and transparent. Let us greet our neighbors, not groan at them. Keep complaints in the trash, they have no value. Treasure kisses, loyalty and good will. Provide comfort, lavish peace and look at the small things because they are the greatest.
Can we appreciate and not depreciate? Drown in satisfaction and make this wondrous world a great one.
In passing, plant seeds of love. Do it now.