Commissioners make appointments, still looking to fill board seats
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009
By Jessie Burchette
Rowan County commissioners continued last week making changes in advisory boards, appointing new members and removing others.
Commissioners reappointed one member of the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council, but removed three members for failure to attend meetings.
County officials recently drew criticism from Crime Prevention Council members for not reappointing Terry King, who has served as chairman for several years. The council advises commissioners on allocating state funds for at-risk teens.
Commissioners unanimously reappointed Lisa Kraft, who was nominated by Commissioner Jon Barber.
In removing some members, Vice Chairman Chad Mitchell cited a policy adopted in 1999 that says if any council member misses more than 25 percent of meetings in a calendar year, or three consecutive meetings, that person is obligated to resign.
Chairman Arnold Chamberlain said he had checked the records of the council and that three members have missed 25 percent or more of the meetings. He cited changes in their employment and other issues. Chamberlain said he was unable to contact one of the three.
The board unanimously approved a motion by Chamberlain to remove John Gray, John Cowan and Mike Adkins from the council.
Commissioners now have five vacancies on the council to fill and no applications.
The board reappointed one member of the Rowan County Tourism Development Authority and added two new ones.
On a split vote, commissioners chose Paul Steven Hall of the Hampton Inn to fill a hotel representative slot on the tourism board. Commissioner Jon Barber nominated Suzanne Jones of the Holiday Inn, but failed to gain any additional support.
Commissioners unanimously selected Michelle Patterson of Patterson Farms and reappointed Jeff Hall, director of the Rowan Public Library. They will serve Aug. 1 to July 31, 2010.
Others recommended, but not nominated for appointment, included Wendy Wilson of the Lazy 5 Ranch, Randy Hemann of Downtown Salisbury Inc., Jack Thomson, Historic Salisbury, and Kelly Alexander of the N.C. Transportation Museum. Alexander had completed one term and was eligible for reappointment.
Commissioners also:
– Reappointed Ken Argo, of Kannapolis, to a two-year term on the Rowan/Kannapolis Alcoholic Beverage Control Board.
– Appointed Miranda Scott to serve on the China Grove Zoning Board of Adjustments from the outside zoning jurisdiction.
– Accepted the resignation of Samuel A. Washington from the Rowan County Housing Authority.
The county currently has vacancies on several boards and is seeking applications.
For more information on the vacancies and to submit an application, check the county website at Go to the main page, click on “Commission,” then select “Committee and Board Seat Openings.”
In other matters, the board:
– Unanimously approved a motion by Commissioner Jim Sides to amend the budget by $700,000 to install a waterline to RDH Tire.
The county has received state economic development grants totalling $665,000. RDH contributed $35,000.
Once the project is completed, the line will be turned over to Salisbury-Rowan Utilities.
– Designated Sides as voting delegate to the N.C. Association of County Commissioners Annual Conference Aug. 21-24 in Craven County.
Sides asked commissioners to give him direction on particular issues, saying he will represent the view of the majority of the board.
– Amended an airport lease with Carolina Avionics to include an additional hangar.