Church Briefs Mount Zion Missionary Baptist to celebrate ‘Women’s Day 2008’
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, 1920 Shirley Ave., will celebrate “Women’s Day 2008: Kingdom Building with a Passion for God and Compassion for People” Sunday at 11 a.m.
The Miriam Praisers Devotional Praise Team of Mount Zion will begin the celebration following Sunday school. The Women’s Mass Choir will present special music.
The church’s mandate ó “Glorify God and Edify Others” ó will be emphasized.
The Rev, Nilous M. Avery II is pastor.
The guest messenger will be the Rev. Anthonette Wright of Raleigh. Wright currently serves as recording secretary of the General Baptist State Convention of N.C. Inc., with Wake County Outreach Ministry of Covenant Sisters for the Abused and Neglected, and as Minister of Cleric Care and Counseling at the Mount Peace Missionary Baptist Church in Raleigh, where the Rev. Dr. J. Vincent Terry is pastor.
Wright is also president and owner of Mo’Betta Productions, a company dedicated to special events coordinating.
Wright, a native of Bunn, is a graduate of Bunn High School and holds a bachelor of science degree in broadcast communication with a minor in theatre from Appalachian State University in Boone; a master of divinity degree from Shaw University Divinity School, Raleigh; and certification from Christian Teacher Training program at Shaw.
Wright has served as project manager for the Shaw University Divinity School Domestic Abuse and Violence Ministry; as director of church relations for the General Baptist State Convention Adoption and Foster Care Ministry; wtih the Evangelism and Minister’s Council committees; as director of Christian education at the Orange Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Durham; and is former president of the Franklin County Minister’s Alliance Clergy Ecumenical Society.
New Zion Baptist
LINWOOD ó The church’s annual homecoming and revival will be Sunday through Friday. The Rev. Moses Caldwell will deliver the morning message Sunday at 11 a.m. Dinner will follow.
The Rev. Herbert Miller, pastor of First Baptist Church, Lexington, and his congregation will have the 3 p.m. service.
The Rev. David McClendon, pastor of Mount Calvary AME Zion Church of Monroe, will be evangelist for the week. The public is invited.
Village Church
MISENHEIMER ó The Village Church of Pfeiffer University will begin a new weekly Sunday morning worship service at 11 a.m. beginning this Sunday in Goode Hall on the university’s Misenheimer campus. The public is invited to attend this intimate and artistic experience of worship.
The service is called “Manna” ó offering bread for life. It is being coordinated by a group of Pfeiffer students with the guidance of the Rev. Gloria Hughes, director of nurture and Christian education for the Western North Carolina Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
The Village Church of Pfeiffer University was formally chartered by the Western North Carolina Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church on May 2, 2007. The leadership of the Village Church includes students, faculty, staff, alumni, trustees and friends of the university.
“This is a unique initiative of the United Methodist Church,” said the Rev. Dr. Chris Hughes, minister to the university at Pfeiffer. “Although there is a rich tradition of congregations relating to campus communities and of Wesley ministries in the midst of campuses, no other United Methodist college or university has taken this path of formally constituting the congregational life of the campus as a chartered congregation.”
For more information, contact Hughes at or 704-463-3409.
First Presbyterian
First Presbyterian Church’s middle school and senior high Youth Discipleship groups will kick off the year this Sunday with a cookout for the youth and their families at the J.F. Hurley YMCA on the back lawn from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided, and everyone is asked to bring a side or dessert to share. The event will also feature relay games.
There will be an informational parent meeting at 7 p.m.
Those attending are asked to bring lawn chairs or a blanket.
Messiah Lutheran
Messiah Lutheran Church will celebrate its 66th homecoming anniversary on Sunday at the worship service.
Justin E. Eller, a senior seminarian at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) will preach at Messiah’s homecoming service. Eller is a native of Rowan County and will graduate from LSTC in May 2009.Eller is the grandson of Maty Katherine Cress, a life-long member of Messiah, and the late Ralph Cress. He is the son of Cathy and Freddie Eller. Justin and his wife, Kari, live in Chicago.
The church invites current members, former members and friends to join them for a traditional covered-dish lunch to be held in the parish house after the service.
The current pastor of Messiah is the Rev. Don Safrit.
Messiah Lutheran Church is located at 701 E. Lafayette St.
Henderson Grove
Henderson Grove Baptist Church will observe homecoming Sunday at the 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. services.
The morning message will be delivered by the pastor, Rodney B. Eldridge. Dr. Clary Phelps, pastor of Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church, will be the guest speaker at the 3 p.m. service. Phelps will be accompanied by his congregation and choir.
Revival services will be held nightly at 7:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. The Rev. Jeffrey Dennis, pastor of Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Akron, Ohio, will be the speaker.
Dennis earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, Ohio. he is currently in the doctorate of ministry program.
Dennis is married to Angela Lynn Dennis and they have three children.
New Zion Baptist
New Zion Baptist Church will observe its 115th church anniversary and annual homecoming Sunday at 3 p.m..
The theme of the service is “Tell Someone About God’s Salvation.” The guest speaker will be the Rev. Leamon Brown, pastor of First Calvary Baptist Church in Salisbury.
There will be a three-night revival Monday-Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m. nightly.
Monday’s speaker will be the Rev. James Logan, pastor of Kingdom Fellowship Christian Church in Charlotte. The speaker Tuesday will be Minister Cathy Marlin of Fairview Heights Baptist Church in Salisbury. On Wednesday, the Rev. Paul Rhinehardt, pastor of Yadkin Grove Baptist Church in Salisbury will be the speaker.
Various churches will attend each night and their choirs will render music. The host pastor is the Rev. Paul Jones Sr.
For more information call 704-637-9324.
Knox Chapel
Knox Chapel United Methodist Church in the Amity Hill Community will celebrate homecoming on Sunday.
Pastor Kevin Tesh will bring the message at the 11 a.m. worship hour, followed by a picnic dinner on the grounds. All members, former members and friends are invited to bring a well-filled basket and attend.
Good Shepherd
CHINA GROVE ó Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (WELS) will celebrate its homecoming and 27th anniversary Sunday. The Rev. Fred Archer, pastor and founder of the church, will serve as liturgist and preacher for the 11 a.m. service.
The worship service will be followed by a special congregational fellowship meal at the Bostian heights Fire Department meeting room.
Good Shepherd was chartered on Aug. 23, 1981, with 11 members. The membership now is 75.
The congregation is affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and is located just east of China Grove on NC Hwy 152.
New Bethel Baptist
MOCKSVILLE ó Annual homecoming and revival services will be held at New Bethel Baptist Church beginning Sunday.
The church’s pastor, the Rev. William Cowan, will deliver the message at the 11 a.m. service. Lunch will be served at 1:30 p.m. in the church fellowship hall.
The speaker for the 3 p.m. service will be Dr. Nilous M. Avery II, pastor of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Salisbury. He will be accompanied by his choir and congregation.
Revival Services will be held Monday, Aug. 25 through Wednesday, Aug. 27, with services beginning nightly at 7 p.m. The church is located on Highway 601 South in Mocksville.
Sills Creek AME Zion
Sills Creek AME Zion Church will celebrate homecoming Sunday. Lunch will be served at 1:30 p.m.
The Rev. Herbert Shackelford, pastor of Mount Olive Presbyterian church, Charlotte, will bring the 3 p.m. message. A graduate of the public school system in Cincinnati, Ohio, he joined the Air Force and was honorably discharged in 1970.
He received his bachelor of arts in political science from the University of South Carolina at Sumter. Shackelford graduated from the Johnson C. Smith Seminary at the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) in Atlanta, Georgia.
At the 1981 spring meeting of Atlantic Presbytery, he was ordained and called to the Westminster and Harmony Presbyterian Churches. While serving at these churches, Shackelford was elected to the District 17 School Board.
In 1983 he was called, as pastor, to the Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, during which time he served as moderator and youth coordinator for the Atlantic Presbytery, chairman of the Career Center Board and president of the Ministerial Alliance. He has served as pastor of Mount Olive Presbyterian since 1990. Shackelford and his wife, the former Louise Felder, have four children and four grandchildren.
Revival Services are Tuesday, Aug. 26 through Thursday, Aug. 28, beginning at 7 p.m. with devotions. The Rev. John Leazer, pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church, Concord, is the preacher for the three night services.
A graduate of Salisbury High School, he further studied at Shaw Divinity School and has served as the pastor of Macedonia Baptist for 11 years.
Before his appointment as pastor, Leazer was active in various ministries at Gethsemane Baptist church, Salisbury. Currently, he is president of the South Rowan, North Cabarrus Fellowship of Churches, a member of the Mecklenburg General Baptist Association, active in various civic organizations, and the 1989 recipient of the “Point of Light” award by former President George Bush.
Leazer is employed with Duke Energy as manager of meter reading for the Central Region. He and his wife, Darlene, have two daughters and two grandchildren.
Sills Creek is located at 3165 Bradshaw Road and N.C. 150. The Rev. Jordan Boyd is the pastor.
Taste of Rico
At 5 p.m. today, Remnant in Christ Outreach Worship Center (RICO) will host “Another Taste of RICO,” a food-sampling fundraising event.
There will be a large variety of main dishes, casseroles, salads and desserts.
Funds raised go to RICO’s building fund. The charge is a $10 donation ($4 for children 5ń12 and children under 5 free). Guests are invited to taste each dish.
The choir sponsors the event. The Men and Youth Ministries will assist with serving.
RICO is a community ministry, offering community prayer at noon on Saturdays and Bible study on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., in addition to Sunday school and worship.
The Pastor is Miriam Parker Keller.
World Hope Worship
World Hope Worship Center announces the second annual Students’ Day on Sunday.
Lead Pastor David Cowger invites all students, children and youth to bring their backpacks as a “point of contact” for special prayer during the 11 am service. The point of this is so that during the school day the student will be able to look at his or her backpack and know that someone is praying for them.
Each student will receive a small cross keychain gift. There will be special music by the Discovery Zone Kidz, interpretive dance by the middle school dance team and special song by Element Student Ministries. The adults will be given the opportunity to take the name of a student on a refrigerator magnet and pray for him or her daily.
This special service on Sunday will be at 11 a.m. The regular service is at 9 a.m.
The church is located at 2203 Mooresville Road in Salisbury.
For information, contact World Hope at 704-636-9159.
Salem Lutheran
Salem Lutheran Church invites the community to its annual Back to School Prayer and Blessing for students, parents, teachers and school faculty at the 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. services on Sunday.
Students are asked to bring their bookbags for a blessing. Students will receive a back-to-school gift that will remind them that Jesus is with them and calls them to be on God’s team.
At 5 p.m. that afternoon, the community is also invited to a back-to-school homemade ice cream celebration. Those who attend are invited to make and bring their favorite homemade ice cream. Prizes will be awarded for the top ice creams. There will also be music and games.
The evening will conclude with prayers for students, parents, teachers and school faculty as we walk along the prayer stations of our prayer trail.
Salem is located at 5080 Sherrills Ford Road.
For more information, call 704-636-0352 or visit
Prayer for students
With the Rowan-Salisbury School System opening for the 2008-2009 school year Monday, Moms In Touch is inviting anyone interested to a meeting to pray for all students and their schools.
The prayer meeting-vigil takes place from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Monday in the chapel of St. John’s Lutheran Church, 200 W. Innes St., Salisbury.
For more information, contact Moms In Touch Coordinator Zubecca Brown at 980-621-1949 or e-mail at
Ayers performs
CHINA GROVE ó Rusty Ayers, recording artist and national youth conference speaker, will be performing and speaking in a youth service at the South China Grove Church of God.
The service will be Wednesday at 7 p.m. The church is located at 163 Third Avenue in China Grove. Youth groups from other churches will be there, and other youth groups are welcome to participate. Rusty traveled for years with his own musical group, “Unlimited Love,” composed of students from East Coast Bible College. Since then he has evangelized extensively and mentored many young people in developing their own ministries.
For more information, call the pastor, the Rev. Joyce Miles, at 704-467-4555.
South River
WOODLEAF ó South River United Methodist Church in Woodleaf will hold its 174th annual homecoming celebration Sunday.
During both worship services, a service of remembrance will be held for our members who have passed away during the past year. The contemporary worship service begins at 8:45 a.m., followed by Sunday school at 10 a.m. and the traditional worship service begins at 11 a.m.
A covered-dish luncheon will follow at approximately 12:30 p.m. in the church fellowship hall. Broke-N-Lonesome, a bluegrass gospel group, will provide music at 1:30 p.m.
Midweek program
KANNAPOLIS ó First Presbyterian Church in Kannapolis will resume its “Wonderful Wednesdays” midweek program on Aug. 27.
Each Wednesday, the church offers supper and a variety of activities for all ages, providing opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth.
For children in grades K-6, there is the Kidz Khoir, which rehearses at 5 p.m. Then, from 6:30-7:30 p.m., all children, age 4 through grade 5, are invited to participate in Discovery Club, which includes Bible study and Bible awards, scripture memory, skill awards, and games. The skill awards during the fall include science experiments, puppetry and making music.
There are no club dues, and children are welcome to bring friends.
For the “tweenagers” in grades 6-8, there will be a new weekly FUEL Video Bible Study from 6:30-7:30 p.m. This study will take the students through the Bible using drama, music and speakers to highlight the big picture and the major themes of the Bible.
Adults and older teens will have a choice of classes: “Genesis: In the Beginning Again” is an in-depth look at this book of beginnings, and “Discipleship 201: Discovering Spiritual Maturity” is a five-week introduction to the basic habits that form the spiritual walk.
Later in the Fall, Bill Jolley will resume his “Bible for Dummies” course, looking at the New Testament.
The church’s musical ministries also rehearse on Wednesday evening, with the Praise Ringers Handbell Choir meeting at 6:30 p.m. and the Adult Chancel Choir rehearsing at 7:30 p.m.
A fellowship supper is served at 5:45 p.m., featuring home cooking. A donation of $5 each and a maximum of $15 per family is suggested.
For more information, call 704-938-4623 or visit
Alpha course
St. John’s Lutheran Church is offering an Alpha course by Nicky Gumbel each Wednesday from Sept. 10-Nov. 12. The classes begin at 5:45 p.m. with a dinner followed by a video of Nicky Gumbel and concludes with a small group discussion and questions.
The classes are held in the church library and child care is available.
For more information or to join the group, call Pastor Ginn at 704-636-3431, or Steve Butner at 704-637-9744.
Beginning Sept. 17, St. John’s will begin a Wednesday program exploring Judaism, meeting 6:30 p.m. each Wednesday following the fellowship meal. To join this study group, call Roger Hull at 704-857-3326.