Cabarrus prescription drug card for residents
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Cabarrus County is making free prescription drug discount cards available under a program sponsored by the National Association of Counties (NACo) that offers average savings of 20 percent off the retail price of commonly prescribed drugs.
Rowan County already participates in the program.
The cards may be used by all county residents, regardless of age, income or existing health coverage and are accepted at 90 percent of pharmacies in the county. A national network of more than 59,000 participating retail pharmacies also will honor the NACo prescription discount card.
The NACo prescription discount card offers significant savings for uninsured and underinsured residents of Cabarrus County. Even those who have prescription coverage can use the card to save money on drugs that are not covered by their health plan, including medications for pets. Residents do not have to be Medicare beneficiaries to be eligible for this program.
Residents will receive the best price available through this program at the pharmacy. On occasion, pharmacies will price a particular medication lower than the discount rate provided by the card. If that occurs, the consumer will receive the lower price.
There is no enrollment form, no membership fee and no restrictions or limits on frequency of use. County residents can pick up a card at a participating pharmacy and begin using it immediately. The prescription discount card is not insurance. Cardholders and their family members may use the card any time their prescriptions are not covered by insurance.
There is no cost to county taxpayers for NACo and Cabarrus County to make these prescription discount cards available to residents. Cards will be available at many pharmacist counters throughout the county. Cards also may be picked up at Cabarrus Community Health Center, Community Free Clinic, Cabarrus County Senior Center and its four LunchPlus locations, all Cabarrus County public libraries and Cabarrus County Department of Social Services.For more information, log on to www.cabarruscounty .us/drugcard. County residents can call toll free 1-877-321-2652 or visit www.caremark .com/naco for assistance with the program. The discount card program is administered by Caremark Rx Inc.