Back to school: Long Street offices
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Long Street
Moose, Barbara, technology coordinator; Thomas, Susan, lead nurse; Creech, Jane, elemantary curriculm facilitator; Bost, Kenneth, systemwide Cte Vocats; Smith, Deborah, special population coordinator system wide; Withers, Roger, Cte coordinator; Smith, Rebecca, assistant superintendent – curriculum; Elizabeth, Foreman, 21st century after school director; Hardin, Phillip, executive director – technology; Hart, Walter, assistant superintendent – administration; Hensley, Sarah, elementary education director; Hunt, Jerri, curriculum specialist/director of staff development; Mashburn, Tina, middle school director/director of cultural arts;McDuffie, Kathy; high school director; Smith, Timothy, student services director; Rogers, Sandra, staff development trainer; Kirk, Judy, sims coordinator; Post, Libby, food service director; Trexler, Tara, chief financial officer; Miller, Harry E., assistant auperintendent – operation; Hill, William, capital projects manager; Cramsey, Kimberly, payroll supervisor; Johnson, James, AS400 coordinator, Heath, David, technician II; Poole, Clark, technician I; Mackintosh, Robert, network engineer; Petrea, Larry, hardware technician II, Hartman, Stephen, technician I; Steelman, David, technician I; Fox, Dawn, technology support coordinator/administrative assistant;
York, Pam, assistant finance officer; Croshaw, Michael, accounting manager; Dick, Lisa, health benefits specialist; Fullam, Annette, payroll specialist; Hoffner, Bonnie, accounts payable specialist; Prevette, Suzanne, payroll specialist; Robertson, Lauren, accounts payable specialist; Roper, Brenda, financial assistant; Ryan, Mary, internal auditor; Spradley, Christina, payroll specialist; Newman Iii, Harold, purchasting/contract coordinator; Shepherd, Anita, health benefits specialist;
Barrier, Betty, construction secretary; Croshaw, Carole, administrative assistant – secondary education; Suddeth, Judy, executive secretary career/tech ed; Fulbright, Kendra, administrative assistant – elementary curriculum; Hatley, Carol, student services assistant; Jackson, Tessa, receptionist; Miller, Linda, substitute tracking;Palmer, Anne, receptionist; Dyer, Sheila, administrative assistant – operations; Rocco, Judith, administrative assistant administration; Rollins, Robin, student services assistant; Lentz, Patricia, enrollment specialist; Davis, Linda, secretary; Sloan, Darrell, custodian; Isley, Debbie, secretary SFS; Mauldin, Lynne, bookkeeper SFS; Honeycutt, Meredith, administrative assistant SFS; Altmann, Lisa, supervisor SFS; Hendrick, Amy, supervisor SFS; Burris, Tammy, SFS supervisor; Smith, James, supervisor SFS.