Workshop on repairing historic wooden windows Saturday
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Historic Salisbury Foundation is presenting a workshop on the repair and rehabilitation of historic wooden windows at the Salisbury Farmers Market from 8:30-10:30 a.m. Saturday.
Wooden windows, while often targeted for replacement, are one of the most significant elements in a historic home.
Comments such as, “My windows are painted shut” and “These old windows let cold air in the house” lead many to consider replacement windows.
These replacements not only use non-renewable petroleum based products for the production, a foundation press release said, but many have a poor track record of extended use.
Most historic windows are made of old growth heart pine, a durable material that with proper care can last for hundreds of years, the foundation said.
The workshop will show simple techniques for rehabbing original windows for practical operation and energy efficiency.
Some skills that will be illustrated include: glass and glazing replacement, sash cord and weight repair, wood reconditioning and replacement, weather stripping and installation of low profile storm windows.
Handouts and brochures for resources and supplies will be on hand.