East Rowan student serves as governor’s page
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 1, 2009
RALEIGH ó Dale Austin Davis of Rockwell participated in the Governor’s Page Program in Raleigh. Dale spent a week gaining valuable life experience and providing administrative support as a page for the N.C. Department of Transportation for the week of Sept. 21-25, a state press release said.
“By participating in the page program, high school students from all parts of North Carolina have the opportunity to see first-hand how our government and government agencies work,” Gov. Beverly Perdue said. “These students represent North Carolina’s future, and it is important for them to understand how our state functions.”
The Governor’s Page Program provides students with an opportunity to gain knowledge of the roles and functions of state government. During the week, pages have a chance to attend press conferences, meet with the governor and assist in day-to-day office operations. Some of their responsibilities include filing documents, assisting in mass mailings, answering telephones and delivering agency messages.
Pages also tour several state government buildings, such as the State Capitol, Legislative Building, Executive Mansion, Supreme Court, Museum of Natural Science, Museum of History and N.C. Correctional Institute for Women.
Dale is the son of Clay and Lisa Davis and is a sophomore at East Rowan High School.
The one-week program is open to high school students between the ages of 15 and 18, who are in good academic standing at their schools. Application forms are available year-round, but appointments are made on a first-come, first-served basis.
For an application or additional information, contact the coordinator of the Governor’s Page Program toll free at 1-800-820-4483, or visit the program online at www.volunteernc.org/code/govpage.htm.