Cleveland residents learning Spanish

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 1, 2009

By Kathy Chaffin
CLEVELAND ó A dozen people showed up for the town’s first conversational Spanish class last week.
Henry Eraso, who teaches English as a second language at West Rowan High School, told the Town Board of Commissioners Monday night that he plans to introduce his culture as part of the classes being offered weekly at Town Hall.
Eraso said the experience of working in North Carolina has been great. “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with Cleveland,” he said.
Commissioner Mary Frank “Frankie” Fleming-Adkins responded, “Thank you for taking us on.”
Town commissioners voted unanimously at their December meeting to allow Eraso to teach the classes for townspeople who want to learn Spanish. Commissioner John I. Steele Jr. proposed holding the classes for an hour one night a week for 10 weeks.
There is no textbook for the classes, which cost a total of $100, and people taking them will not earn any college credit.
Mayor Jim Brown told Eraso that he hopes the first 10-week session is just the beginning. “I hope to get in on your second class,” he said.
Also at Monday’s meeting, commissioners voted unanimously to spend $1,585 on six new lighted Christmas tree decorations for the town. This is part of the board’s plan to gradually replace the old lighted candle decorations.
Rowan County Commissioner Raymond Coltrain, who said he plans to attend at least one meeting of each town board in the county a year, asked Cleveland commissioners for their continued feedback. “There is a desire to build more congeniality and teamwork in the county,” he said.
Coltrain said he hoped town commissioners would communicate with county commissioners on a regular basis and not just when they’re upset about something.
Brown thanked Coltrain for coming to the meeting. He picked a good one to come, the mayor said, as it only lasted about 15 minutes.
Fleming-Adkins invited the new commissioner to attend the Cleveland Spring Fest on May 16.
Contact Kathy Chaffin at 704-797-4249.