Classrooms ready to ring in another year
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Students in Rowan-Salisbury and Kannapolis City Schools are among 1.46 million N.C. public school students heading back to class in the coming weeks.
The open houses have started, and so have classes for Early College.
Students in both local systems begin classes Tuesday, Aug. 25.
The theme for this year could be austerity as public schools deal with state and local budget cuts.
For example, each elementary school will have only one teacher’s aide to serve all its third-grade classes. Middle schools will no longer have literacy coaches, and some are losing resource officers. The state is sticking with current textbooks instead of adopting new ones.
But education goes on.
Apart from the budget, students and parents will notice other changes. Kannapolis has adopted uniforms for A.L. Brown students ó the first public high school in the area to take that step.
And this is the first year a new cutoff for kindergarten goes into effect. All of this year’s kindergartners have to be 5 by Aug. 31. The cutoff used to be in October.
Lots of faces will change, too, but school personnel lists are not yet available.
Today’s Post features four pages of back-to-school information, such as schedules, calendars and lunch prices. Information for Rowan-Salisbury schools and area private schools begins on page 8A. Kannapolis City Schools information is on page 11A.
Here’s some basic information about the Rowan-Salisbury system:
Superintendent: Dr. Judy Grissom.
Assistant Superintendents:- Operations: Gene Miller.
– Human Resources: Delores Morris.
– Curriculum: Dr. Rebecca Smith.
– Administration: Dr. Walter Hart.
– Chief Financial Officer: Tara Trexler.
– 110 S. Long Street
Salisbury, NC 28144
– 314 N. Ellis St
East Spencer, NC 28039
Phone: 704.636.7500
Fax: 704.639.3135
– Through Aug. 24: Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
– After Aug. 24: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. through 5 p.m.
School board
The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education meets on the fourth Monday of each month with the Open Business Meeting beginning at 5 p.m. The public is welcomed and encouraged to attend all Open Meetings of the Board of Education. The Board may meet in special session upon the call of the Chairman or of the secretary as often as the school business of the administrative unit may require.
– Chair: Dr. Jim Emerson, 704-636-2945.
– Vice-Chair: W. Jean Kennedy, 704-633-7428.
– Bryce Beard III, 704-633-1046.
– Karen South Carpenter, 704-633-5636 x102.
– Linda A. Freeze, 704-857-3432.
– Kay Wright Norman, 704-636-3654.
– Patty Williams, 704-857-8990.
School hours
See chart for specific times.
– Elementary: Opening bells 7:30 to 8 a.m.; closing bells 2:30 to 3 p.m..
– Middle: Opening bells about 8:15; closing bells 3:15. *Southeast Middle has earlier hours.
– High: Opening bells about 7:30, Closing bells about 2:30.
Severe weather policy
During extremely bad weather or other emergency situations, it is sometimes necessary to close schools.
The radio stations in Salisbury, WSAT, 1280, WSTP, 1490 and WRDX-FM, 106.5 are the first to get this information. You may check any local radio or TV stations or check for closing information. Or you can call 704.216.0220 for a voice mail message in English or Spanish.
Special education
For information about programs for exceptional children, including the academically gifted and the disabled, call Dr. Crystal Vail at 704-639-3064.
Before- and after-school care
Before school care for ALL Salisbury elementary schools and is offered at the Salisbury YMCA. Parents bring their children to the Y in the morning and a bus delivers students to their respective schools prior to the morning bell.
After school programs are held at the following schools:
– Hanford-Dole Elementary
– Isenburg Elementary
– North Rowan Elementary
– Koontz Elementary
– Overton Elementary
– Knox Middle (Students will go to Overton Elementary)
– North Middle (Students will go to North Elementary).
Fees vary according to how many children in a family use the service and what services are used. Members of the Y get a discounted rate. For complete rate information, see the YMCA website,, or call Sheilah Gainer at 704.636.0111.
Uniform policy
The following schools require students wear uniforms:
– Cleveland Elementary
– Granite Quarry Elementary
– Hanford-Dole Elementary
– Knollwood Elementary
– Koontz Elementary
– North Rowan Elementary
– Overton Elementary
– Shive Elementary
– China Grove Middle
– Corriher Lipe Middle
– Erwin Middle
– Knox Middle
– North Rowan Middle
– Southeast Middle
– West Rowan Middle
Most schools offer a “Khaki Shack” for students who cannot afford new uniforms. Families are encouraged to donate their gently used uniforms to the “Khaki Shack” in their school.
Elementary Uniforms
As a rule, elementary schools require pants, skirts, shorts or jumpers in khaki or navy blue and polo shirts. Some schools limit the colors on polos. Shoes must be closed-heel and closed-toe; athletic shoes are preferred so the students can participate in P.E. Socks and stockings must be a solid color. Jewelry is discouraged.
Middle School Uniforms
All area middle schools require khaki pants, skirts, shorts, or jumpers. Polo shirts are required and colors are specific to grade level.
High School Dress Code
Area high school students do not wear uniforms, but there is a dress code. The following items are not allowed: sunglasses, headgear of any sort, tank tops, camisoles with spaghetti straps; halters; bare midriff tops; see-through clothing; bare-back tops or dresses; slashed, worn out, or cut up clothing; underwear worn as outerwear; biker tights; any garments that advertise alcohol, drugs, or is otherwise offensive; shorts that are so short or tight as to be distracting; pants worn in a “sag and drag” fashion.