Agenda set for county commissioners' planning retreat
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 1, 2009
By Jessie Burchette
jburchette@salisburypost.comA central school system administration office and a land-use plan will be among the agenda items at the commissioners’ upcoming retreat.
Several other topics, including revaluation options and the county’s borrowing capability, didn’t make the cut.
The Rowan County Board of Commissioners will hold its annual retreat Feb. 25-27 at the Tadlock South Rowan Library in China Grove.
Earlier this month, commissioners tossed out dozens of potential topics for the three-day retreat, far more than could be covered.
Commissioners then used an e-mail ballot to vote on items for the retreat agenda. Most of the ones that got support from all five commissioners made the retreat discussion list.
Here’s a list of topics set for the agenda:
– Options for additional detention facility space;
– Status of lease and ownership of Fieldcrest Cannon Stadium;
– Development of a plan to fund any projects that commissioners agree to pursue;
– Additional plans beyond the current hiring freeze to deal with the current weak economy while maintaining essential services and preserving county jobs;
– Which building projects can be delayed and which should receive the highest priority;
– Evaluate how county funds are spent for education; future direction of the Rowan-Salisbury School System and the potential impact of grants on the county’s current-expense budget;
– Hear from local state legislators on the potential impact state budget cuts may have on local budgets;
– Other possible revenue streams to support county programs;
– Continued development of Rowan County Airport.
– Emergency communications equipment for volunteer fire departments and other emergency services.
Commissioners agreed to discuss several other suggested topics during upcoming meetings of the board. Those include:
– Process for appointing citizens to various boards;
– Borrowing capabilities under the current economic situation;
– Expectations of a planned efficiency committee to review county government.
The retreat is open to the public.
The first day, Feb. 25, will be dedicated mostly to reports from county department directors on their programs and needs.
Contact Jessie Burchette at 704-797-4254.