People and places
Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 26, 2009
The Salisbury-Rowan Unit of Church Women United in NC celebrated World Community Day at Milford Hills United Methodist Church in Salisbury. The nationally produced CWU program with the environmental theme of “Piecing Earth Together” took place along with a luncheon.
Catherine Rivens, WCD chair, served as facilitator and called the group to order. After connecting the theme to one of the four building blocks and a national CWU quadrennial priority, she introduced Betty Jo Hardy, SRCWU president, who welcomed the group and thanked the women of Milford Hills UMC, who served the sit-down meal. These women also hung some of their own quilts, provided quilt centerpieces and small quilt square pieces for all present.
Hardy introduced Dr. Chris B. Hughes, pastor of Milford Hills UMC, who then gave the blessing.
Jennie Wright, Jean Kennedy and Kathleen Young served as the readers of part of Genesis 1. Rivens then led the right and left sides in the Creation Psalm number 136. Sheila Flowers powerfully presented a reflection on “The Creation” by James Weldon Johnson.
Familiar hymns were accompanied by the Rev. “Doc” Warner on the piano. Dr. Hughes served as song leader and later in the program sang a solo to the verses of “Take Off Your Shoes” accompanying himself on guitar.
One-sentence prayers of petition regarding the seven days of creation were produced by 14 table groups, and Rivens coordinated the sharing of these with the entire assembly. An offering was taken and dedicated to be given to support the national Church Women United Movement. A litany for action was then followed by a short business meeting.
Jean Kennedy, nominations chair, submitted a committee report. She noted that the subgroup chair, YCWU, was not filled, and challenged the young women present to come forward to serve for the years 2009 and 2010. A motion and second to accept the slate passed unanimously. These women will be installed at the January annual meeting, which is open to all interested.
Hughes pronounced the benediction, and the group of 142 persons from 15 different churches was sent out.
Those present received a pledge sheet with a 25-item list of some of the actions to be taken to positively impact climate change. Hughes shared copies of his book, “The Porpoise-Given Life.”
Several guests were present: the Rev. Fleming Otey and his wife, and Jay Laurens and Dan Robertson of the Center for the Environment at Catawba College.
As an Ecumenical Action Project, attendees also brought 165 pounds of canned goods which was donated to the food pantry of Rowan Helping Ministries.
GQHS Reunion
The Granite Quarry High School Class of 1948 held its 61st reunion on Saturday, Nov. 7 at Shiloh Reformed Church, Faith. Classmates and their spouses arrived at 11 a.m. to visit, talk about their families, their accomplishments and to reminisce about the good old times in school, during the fellowship hour.
John ” Buddy” Foster was the master of ceremonies. A memorial was given by Faye Cauble Kesler, who read the 23rd Psalm as a candle was lit in remembrance of all deceased classmates.
Carl Fink had devotions and prayer and gave the blessing for the luncheon which was catered and served by Sharon Deal. Red and white class colors were used for decorations.
Those attending: Perry Adams and Norma, Harry Bassinger and Gerry,Hilda Barger Beck and Wentworth, Doris Peacock Cline and “Bill”, Carl Fink and Mary, Hugh Fisher,John “Buddy” Foster and Treva, Lillian Eagle Harvelle, Rose McCombs Holshouser and Glenn “Pud”, Mary Kennedy Gaines, Human Kepley, Faye Cauble Kesler and “Bob”, Elise Euart Lomax, Elberta Privette Moore and sister Gertha, Betty Morgan, Ann Carn Petrea and Clyde,Mary Elizabeth Waller Stoner, Glenn Webb and Martha, Mary Francis OddieWells, Bobby Wilhelm and Glenn Wilson. The tentative date for the 2010 reunion will be on Saturday, Nov. 6.
The committee was selected to service next year, Davis Cline, Faye Cauble, Rose McCombs, Hugh Fisher and Buddy Foster.
Fall piano recital
The piano students of Tina Brown of Rockwell presented a piano recital on Sunday, Nov. 22 for the residents at the NC Lutheran Home in Salisbury. The recital included pieces about nature, dances, and hymns.
Students performing solos were: Kelly Dulkoski, Daniel Pell, Landon Perkins, Camry Wingler, Alyssa Hammill, Chelsea Green, Kevin Agner, Marian Hough, Ilya Wang, Laura Agner, Rebecca Agner and Carol Brown.Duets with Mrs. Brown were played by Jarvis Vinson and Schrade Daniel.