Letters to the editor – Thursday – Oct. 29, 2009

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Shooting incident not entirely clear
I am in my home. Someone enters, and I tell them to leave. I take a knife out. They are armed with a side arm. I kill them. The district attorney is going to charge me with a crime because I should have fled my residence. Sound fair?
Three fatal rounds from a Glock in a man’s residence because he had a knife? Overkill?
Hope there is more to this than what I read.
ó Larry Craver
Give citizens voiceArticle V Section 4 of North Carolina’s State Constitution provides that no unit of local government can contract debts secured by a pledge of that entity’s faith and credit unless that debt is approved by a majority of the qualified voters. Certain emergency type exceptions are permitted.
Modern politicians have found a number of ways to circumvent this constitutional law such as so called revenue bonds and certificates of participation. Local governments now borrow money with complete disdain for the will of the voters.
The City of Salisbury has been a leader in issuing huge amounts of debt with no consultation with its citizens. In the past year over thirty million dollars was borrowed with no approval by the voters. This is an obvious violation of the spirit of the state constitution.
On Nov. 3, the citizens of Salisbury have an opportunity to check this seemingly unlimited program of borrow and spend.
New faces on the City Council can bring about a return to the sound fiscal policies required of cities and counties by constitutional law.
Candidates William Peoples, Carl Dangerfield, Charles Black, Blake Jarman, and Ben Johnson have all indicated they are in favor of returning a voice to the citizens of the city before such huge indebtedness is incurred. I hope that the voters will keep these people in mind at the polls on Nov. 3.
ó Carl Eagle
Neel Estates
Study your Bible
In these times of gray areas when there seems to be no black or white subjects to talk about, there is one subject that is as solid as ever and cannot be altered, the Holy Bible.
Is it possible the Holy Bible is How Our Lord Yielded Blessed Information Before Leaving Earth? Think about it. To me it fits.
Study your Bible and see if every question you have is not answered.
Oh, it may seem like Greek to you now, but the word has been around 2,000-plus years, and if you will attend a Sunday School class of your choosing, you will be surprised how clear things will become.
Next time you have a large problem, be careful or you will catch yourself saying, “Lord, what will I do?” And you say you don’t believe in Jesus.
ó Ron Sweet