Heart Fund Ball committee begins planning for 2010
Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 22, 2009
The Salisbury-Rowan Heart Fund Ball committee held its organizational meeting Oct 14 at the Country Club of Salisbury. The Heart Ball is scheduled for Feb. 13, 2010, at the Country Club.
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Fulton Scott will serve as chairman/president assisted by Mr. and Mrs John Wallace Ellis as co-chairman/vice-president and Dr. and Mrs. Cecil Murray Farrington, past-president.
This year’s board of directors include: Mr and Mrs Thomas Christopher Abramowski, Mr. and Mrs. M. Reid Acree Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Roberto Almazan, Mr. and Mrs. William Summersett Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clement III, Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas Dillard, Mr. and Mrs. Nash Arey Isenhower, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Richard Langford, Dr. and Mrs. William Terry Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Christopher Rusher, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Norton Whitaker Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Anthony Wood.The Heart Fund Ball for 2009 raised $17,000 for the benefit of the American Heart Association.
Trexler reunion
The descendants of Bossa Columbus and Frances Lillie Poole Trexler held their annual reunion at Christiana Lutheran Church on Sunday, Oct. 18 at 1 p.m.
Glenda Carriker and Kevin Sloop, who coordinated the reunion, welcomed the family and Stanton Cross led them in prayer before they enjoyed a picnic style lunch.
The following 18 family members were present: Glenda Carriker, Adam Cross, Brian Cross, Sandra Cross, Stanton Cross, Amelia Moore, Chrissy Sloop, Darryl Sloop, Elisabeth Sloop, Franklin Sloop, Hollee Sloop, Jessica Sloop, Joshua Sloop, Kevin Sloop, Elton Trexler, Frances Trexler, Hilda Trexler and Glenn Wilson.Visitors present were: Sue Cress, Sarah Honeycutt, Chris Moore and Shawn Stephens. The two living members of the original family, daughters Irene Cross and Bertha Garrison, were unable to attend.
The following were recognized: Oldest Present ó Sue Cress, Youngest Present ó Amelia Moore, and Person Traveling The Farthest To Attend ó Brian Cross.
Glenda Carriker and Darry Sloop will be the coordinators for next year’s reunion which will be held at Christiana Lutheran Church on Oct. 17, 2010 at 1 p.m.
China Grove Reunion
The 1937 class of China Grove High School met for their 62nd reunion on Oct. 2, 2009, at the home of Edith Williams Washam in China Grove.
Of the 42 graduates, five were able to attend, two were unable to attend and five are out of contact. They were Edith Williams Washam, Esther Walter Griffith, Mamie Jones Dion, Carl Sloop Jr., and Oscar Linn.
Visitors were Sue Cress, wife of John Cress, Ione Hausse, wife of Harry Hause; both are deceased. Also Helen Linn, wife of Oscar Linn, Gladys W. Shue, Dennis Lacey and Glenn Wilson.
Oscar and Helen Linn served a delicious meal of barbecue and home cooked food. The group enjoyed a time of fellowship and remembering early times of families and the deceased classmates.
They decided to meet again next year on Oct. 1, 2010 and celebrate age 90 birthdays.
Iota Psi
On Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2009, at 7 p.m. the Iota Psi Chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority held a candle light and yellow rose pledge ritual for member Gladys Joyce. Member Karen Smith was sponsored by member Joyce.
The ritual was bestowed by Gail Young who was assisted by all chapter members. Joyce received her pledge ritual and a long stemmed yellow rose. An ice cream sundae social was held afterwards with members building their own sundaes.
The next meeting is Oct. 27 at the home of Scottie and Kelly Lippard. Xi Alpha Delta will be attending a Halloween party hosted by the chapter. An envoy and honorary ritual will be bestowed on the Lippards at this time.
An auction bake sale will be held at the Travel Lodge on Jake Alexander Blvd. Nov. 3, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. the public and other chapters are invited to attend.
Preferential Tea will be Nov. 1, 2009, at 2 p.m. for all Beta Sigma Phi Chapters in Salisbury to present their chapters’ new members to the other chapters in Salisbury. Iota Psi will present Gladys Joyce as their new pledge to the other chapters at this time.
Thanksgiving Dinner will be celebrated by Iota Psi with a covered dish by members Nov. 17 at their meeting.
Service Pins
The following staff were honored with a service pins for their years of dedication they have provided to the residents of Mooresville Center/Genesis Healthcare: 15 years: Jennifer Privette, CNA; five years: James Roseman, maintenance; three years: Kimberly Westmoreland, housekeeping; one year: Diann Albert, receptionist, Pamela Gaines, CNA, Raykeyshia Everhart, housekeeping and Wendy Tillman, CNA.