Letters to the editor – Sunday (10-18-09)

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 16, 2009

Instead of prisons, let’s build faith
A prison on Faith Road is an oxymoron. The name of the road would have to be changed to Lack-of-Faith Road. It is disturbing that a jail annex is necessary; however, there are many reasons why this may be so: a larger population, better law enforcement, an over-burdened judicial system, increased self-centeredness and self-gratification without the regard for others. However, I believe that the most significant reason for our overflowing jail is a lack of faith.
In the past, almost everyone attended church. Often, these people accuse others of being hypocrites who don’t practice what they preach, making church attendance unappealing.
What we need is not a new jail annex but a new and increased amount of faith. We need a new and greater trust in God as well as a true reverential fear of God. We need a revival which can only be obtained through prayer.
In the past, small groups began to pray and as those groups enlarged, revival broke out. The churches were full and and the jails were empty. People had renewed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and others believed for the first time. The Holy Spirit was present and many lives were forever changed.
Because of our desire for revival, a small group meets each Thursday at 12 noon at the Rowan County Public Library, 201 W. Fisher Street, Salisbury, in the Hurley Room or the Stanback Auditorium. Anyone and everyone is invited to attend and participate with us. For us, it is the most important hour of each week. Hopefully, it will become an important hour for you also.
ó Dr. David J. Steagall
Steagall is the president of In Focus Ministries, Inc.
Workers, firms pay for Social Security
Regarding Nan Lund’s Oct. 11 letter:
Nan Lund asks if, and hopes that, previous letter writer Richard Roberts will participate in Social Security and Medicare. She states these programs are provided for by the government.
My yearly statement (provided by the Social Security Administration) says I pay 6.2 percent and my employer pays 6.2 percent of my wages to Social Security; I also pay 1.45 percent and my employer pays 1.45 percent of my wages for Medicare. Self-employed people pay 12.4 percent to Social Security and 2.9 percent for Medicare.
The only service provided by the government is the distribution of these funds. Over the course of a working taxpayer’s lifetime (20, 30, 40 years), these amounts are in the thousands of dollars. How much a person receives back of their own money depends on the length of time they live after retirement. What’s left after death goes back into the programs.
I, too, hope Mr. Roberts participates in Social Security and Medicare. He must have already paid his share and someone else’s.
ó Irene Dalton