Letters to the editor – Wednesday (9-23-09)

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 22, 2009

State rewards illegal immigrants
Those who recently voted to allow known illegal immigrants to attend community college in North Carolina must have been napping during their psychology courses.
A maxim of behavioral psychology is: behavior that is reinforced by rewards will continue. Illegal immigrants are knowingly here illegally, not simply “undocumented” because they left their paperwork home. To knowingly continue to provide service to illegal immigrants “rewards” their choice to break the law.
The choice to violate the law should not be considered to be right because of the motives of the violator. If it were, then anyone who truly needs anything would be right to just go and take it.
Some may argue that it is the children of illegal immigrants who will suffer if we truly enforce the laws. To not enforce the laws because of this is say: bring children so you will be excused from the law.
Illegal immigrants may reconsider their choice to break the law if they know that the American concern for family and children will not exempt them from the law.
To those who say that enforcement of the law is racist, I say the law applies equally to everyone. To say that people from one background or cultural heritage should receive special treatment is itself racist because it purports that one special group should have rights that are different than others.
Some will say that enforcement of the law will be unduly harsh and drive illegal immigrant families underground and limit the services available to them. To that I say: there are, and always should be penalties for breaking the law. If the law is unjust, then repeal it and open the borders. If the law is just, enforce it and do not reward those who break it.
ó Richard D. Sorensen
Whack a politician?
All this talk and yelling back and forth about health care has just about sent me to the emergency room. So I thought, I’ll just take some of this discretionary money I got milling around and invest in old “whack-a-mole” machines. After all, it’s fair time across the state and what a great business opportunity.
See, what I’d do is take some of those old machines, pull those little mole heads off and replace them with politician heads. And I’d upgrade them a bit to include a little vocal action as well.
I’d put little Pelosi, Cheney, Obama, Bush, Bubba Clinton, Mrs. Bubba Clinton and Palin heads on them and add some voice-over. Who wouldn’t want to whack Pelosi when she says “won’t pass the House.” Or Cheney, “so?” Or Obama, “I didn’t lie.” Or Bubba , “I did not have …” Or Mrs. Bubba, “You’re paying out the nose, Bill.”
I mean, who wouldn’t want to bop this bunch?
And, for a few pennies more, I could include in my booth a few very special “Whack-a-Politician” stations. These would have only two holes and would look just like the inside of a two-holer outhouse. These two “little” heads would be Sanford and Edwards. No voice time limit here, because they’d just pop up and start making excuses and apologizing until you could beat them back into their holes.
I started thinking this might cause some security issues because when the word got out, there might be people trying to bring their sledge hammers, flat shovels and baseball bats onto the fairgrounds and that might be a little disruptive. So, don’t look for my “Whack-a-Politician” booth this year, but in the mean time, think what you can do on a little less destructive line to correct some situations that are whacking us all.
ó A.J. Moore
Whitey Harwood’s letter in Monday’s Post (“Expo brings on a senior moment”) should have referred to the Dan Nicholas Park campground, not “compound.” Also, the word “religion” was omitted from a sentence that should have read, “It is not about politics or religion or what your sexual preference may be.”