Ideas from other moms on organizing
Published 12:00 am Monday, September 7, 2009
The Washington Post
“I line all the lunch stuff up all together on my shelves: pretzels, jars of fruit, bottled water, health bars. Everything is in one place so they can just grab it. On Sundays, we cut up veggies so they are ready to go.”
ó Katherine Tkac, Woodbridge, Va.
“I have a huge calendar where I write every family date down. I also keep last year’s calendar underneath it. … Sometimes it’s very helpful to have them to go back and refer to.”
ó Aroob Ali-Adeeb, Sterling, Va.
“We have those traditional wood inboxes for every member of the family. It’s good to keep them on the kitchen counter for permission slips and all the other paperwork that turns up.”
ó Ann Soraghan, Fairfax Station, Va.
“Start and maintain a daily routine for looking through your children’s school folders. I do it every night after dinner.”
ó Renee Brandon, Fort Washington, Md.
Have an organizational tip to share? E-mail it to; mail to Lifestyles, Salisbury Post, P.O. Box 28145-4639; or fax to 704-639-0003.