Letters to the editor – Tuesday (9-1-2009)

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 3, 2009

Residents need more sidewalks
Dear Editor, Mayor Susan Kluttz and City Council Members, I saw in Friday’s Post that Spencer now has new sidewalks. I am glad for them, and hope that they enjoy and make full use of them.
There is an area desperate for such a thing: the Stokes Ferry area, and the Crane Creek Terrace (so we were once called) neighborhood ó right in the city limits.
We have water and pay the water bills as normal. But we are bereft of other things ó sidewalks, which I would love to see installed. (I am a long-distance walker and would love a safer avenue in which to walk to the Food Lion in that area of town.)
We also need more bus routes, past the Health Department, on into Stokes Ferry Road, toward Sills Drive and my street. I would gladly use the bus were there a stop there. In fact, sign me up right now!
Please, consider other areas of town. The more avenues available for walking and mass transit (maybe a bike route as well?), the better we can all save money on oil and use other modes of transportation.
I will be glad to help in any way I can to make this a reality. I will continue to lobby for this, so we all can benefit.
Thanks for listening to me, and have a great day.
ó Tina Loflin
Servers remember
I wish to comment on the recent editorials concerning tips. I am a retired waitress and very proud of it.
My husband was in the military. We have lived all over the country and overseas. I was always able to find a job, no matter where we were stationed. How many people nowadays can say that?
Also, let me say that the base pay for waitresses differs from state to state.
Yes, servers must earn their tips by working hard, but I clearly understand the lady’s point of view. I could sense her frustration from her letter.
Many times I gave good service to a table, only to find no tip for my effort and hard work.
Yes, people go out to eat, not to tip, but you also go out to relax and be waited on. If not, you would stay home and cook.
No, you are not obligated to tip, but if you recieve good service, you should always do so.
Believe me, servers remember who tips and who doesn’t, and they act accordingly.
There is an old server saying that TIP means:
T ó To
I ó Insure
P ó Proper
S ó Service
Just sign me the Happy Hostess (retired).
ó Annette Parks