Letters to the editor – Sunday (8-30-09)

Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 27, 2009

There’s much Darwin doesn’t explain
I am writing in response to the Sunday, Aug. 16, article about the “need to heed Darwin.” I would just like to say that, while Darwin’s evolution theory does seem logical, it does not explain everything ó the exact when and how of life’s beginning, for example, or certain aspects of nature that don’t quite fit in as necessary/beneficial from the evolutionary point of view. And as for the authors’ comments on “coddling the faithful,” I don’t believe that lack of access to Darwin’s views has anything to do with scientific illiteracy. All of my school’s science textbooks promote evolution, Stanley Miller’s experiment, and a long, indefinite period of Earth’s development; and religion is generally strongly discouraged by today’s secular attitudes and policy of “tolerance.”
Students’ attitudes towards education of any kind depend vastly on the way they are raised, and many parents today do not pass the responsibility test. Science isn’t the only subject in which grades are dropping. The education system itself is also cause for concern; we have many good teachers, but public education tends to opt for methods that “work OK for everyone” rather than finding ways to bring each individual to his/her best performance.
In short, I believe that God can explain everything more clearly than Darwin. For the curious, the skeptical and the faithful alike, I recommend www.answersingenesis.org and “The Case for Faith” by Lee Strobel, chapter 1 (Objection No. 1). Science can be used for the glory of God, as Isaac Newton aimed to demonstrate through his work.
ó Megan Bean
A new revolution
America, you need to wake up. There needs to be a new Revolution in America, except this time it will not be fought with guns. This one needs to be fought with our minds and voices. I think this has started already with the town hall meetings. Anyone who thinks the government can run our health care program needs to get their head out of the sand. Just look around and listen to the news. Social Security is going to be broke in less than 10 years. There is widespread corruption in Medicare and Medicaid. So, how does anyone think that the national government can run the most elaborate health care industry on Earth?
Do you really think the government officials that cannot balance their own checking accounts, not to mention the federal budget, can run our health care system? We as Americans need to hold all elected officials accountable for their actions, and when they don’t do as they say, we need to elect new officials.
There needs to be limits on how long people can serve in Congress. Our Founding Fathers stated that government was to be a service job, not a career. I truly believe that any elected official who will not sit down and listen to what the people have to say is not looking out for his constituents. So, where are Reps. Howard Coble and Mel Watt during Congress’ summer recess? Watt did his “trading places” day and talked with a few people from Rowan County ó great job, Mr. Watt ó and Howard Coble plainly told a crowd at Dan Nicholas Park he had been advised not to hold town hall meetings because he did did not think they where productive.
Wake up, America. Let’s start a new revolution and take back our government so our voices can be heard.
ó C. Michael Julian