Letters to the editor – Saturday (8-22-09)

Published 12:00 am Friday, August 21, 2009

Veterans’ services getting better? Not from my view
As a veteran, I want to comment on the Aug. 16 front-page story “Veterans say benefits are being delayed.”
The two main words I noticed were “incompetent” and “stupid.”
Elaine Howle (veterans service officer) thinks she’s doing a good job.
Well, it ain’t against the law to think, so you can think what you want to. But sometimes when you think you are thinking, you might not be thinking.
As far as a good job, that seems to be in question.
Howle said she is “fine” with the way things are.
Well, I guess so! Nobody wants to be pointed out as wrong.
But three veterans ó Will Pleasants, Bill Wallin and Rodney Cress ó are “not fine” with her job performance.
Howle wrote she rarely looked at her e-mail because she doesn’t have time.
Let me explain time. Everyone has the same amount of time. Maybe she uses her time to do other things.
Howle said she doesn’t need an advisory board. That’s her opinion. Will, Bill and Rodney have a very different opinion. And so do I.
Carl Ford said he believed things were getting better. Here is what I believe: “Just because you believe something don’t make it so.”
Here goes a question for Carl. Who is it getting better for?
Now, thanks to Rodney Cress and the others for bringing this story to the front page. To everyone involved with this, please remember: Besides the service, we also require a little respect.
ó Whitey Harwood
Thanks for band camp help
I just had the wonderful experience of coordinating meals for North Rowan’s marching band camp. These are the hardest working kids around and this, in my opinion, is the best band in the county. To quote someone I once heard, “North is the show band of the county,” and you, the Mighty Marching Cavaliers, should never forget that!
To be as good as they are, they still can not do it alone. They need the strength of their backbone, which are the parents, volunteers and community.
I would like to thank the many people who came together to ensure that our kids ate good meals while they worked hard at band camp.
First, thank you to the numerous parents who sent drinks, food and supplies; without it we would have never made it through the first week.
Thank you, Spencer Civitans and the anonymous donor for the generous monetary donations; we where able to use the money to provide many meals for our kids.
To the Spencer Masonic Lodge, the kids loved the port-a-pit chicken that you so generously donated. Thank you.
Thank you, Bethel Methodist Church, for your wonderful volunteers and the delicious hotdogs you provided.
Winks, you once again went above and beyond, for the second year in a row; the chicken sandwiches were a hit. Thank you.
Thank you, Cheerwine. The kids always go for Cheerwine first, it’s their favorite drink above all others.
Last but not least, I want to thank the parents that came every day to help prepare and serve the meals. Without you, we could have never made it. I hope you enjoyed the experience as much as I did! Thank you.
And finally, go, Mighty Marching Cavaliers! Let ’em know who is the best!
ó LaShaye Overman