Letters to the editor – Saturday (8-1-09)

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 31, 2009

Legion team has earned respect from its fans
Congratulations to the Rowan County American Legion baseball team and coaches for winning the State Legion Championship. I attended as many games as I possibly could, and I just want to thank Coach Gantt, McSweeney and Sawyer for the great job they have done. You guys took a team of young players and coached them and taught them to be a respectful and great group of young men.
I can’t tell you how many times I have attended a game and witnessed players express their emotions after a bad play on the field by throwing their helmets or gloves into the dugout or against the wall, causing a disturbance that certainly made people take notice.
I can proudly say I have never seen the Rowan team act in this manner. Not once did I see a helmet or glove fly. I think this is saying a lot for the coaches and manager. It makes our young men stand tall and be respected by their fans, family and friends.
I would be very proud as a parent to say that my son plays for the Rowan County American Legion.
I know none of this would be possible without our American Legions, and a big thanks to you for representing Rowan County.
I pray that our team can continue its victories when it begins playing in Sumter next week. I know there will be a lot of Rowan County fans pulling for you and burning up the radio stations listening. I know I will!
ó Debra Dudley
Standing up for beliefs
This is in response to the article “DSS board revises its prayer policy” in the July 29 Salisbury Post. It is time for the United States to wake up ó especially people like John Blair and the others who voted with him.
I agree with Jim Sides and Carl Ford. They are to be commended for standing up for their ó and my ó Christian beliefs. The people of Salisbury ó and the peoples of the world ó better think about what they are doing. If they read the Bible, there is only one God, and we must follow his commands.
And, if we have visitors who don’t want to hear Jim’s and Carl’s prayers using Jesus name, then let them stay home if they are afraid to listen to a prayer to our Lord. He is the only one who can answer prayers.
God bless everyone!
ó Jana Annas
An indefensible statement
The professor Gates, Sgt. Crowley controversy goes on. There have been strong arguments on both sides of this “he said, he said” debate. Some have accused Sgt. Crowley of racial profiling, while others say the professor overreacted and overstepped his bounds with the police department.
There will never be full agreement as to who was right or wrong, and eventually the incident will fade away for the most part. However, there is one irrefutable fact that has been imprinted on the minds of many. When asked to comment, our president admitted that he was not present at the time the incident occurred; he admitted that he did not have all of the facts; then he quickly went on to say that the police had acted “stupidly.”
There is absolutely no way to defend this off-the-cuff statement, which speaks volumes about the character of our commander in chief. We can go around and around forever about what he (Crowley) said or what he (Gates) said, but what really matters here is what he (Obama) said. Just another sad commentary on the unfortunate downward direction in which our country is heading under our present administration.
ó Elizabeth Landry
A burning question
I was Just wondering: Why is it that someone can burn household garbage (diapers, plastic etc.), which I thought was illegal, when I have to get a permit just to burn limbs and brush from cleaning my yard. If I don’t get a permit, I get in trouble, while they don’t. It doesn’t make any sense to me. Can someone please explain?
ó Billy Evans