Election 2009: Kannapolis Realtor making first bid for China Grove Town Council
Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 23, 2009
Staff report
CHINA GROVE ó A Kannapolis Realtor has joined the race for three available seats on the China Grove Town Council.
Mike Upright of Bostian Road, is one of five candidates.
A China Grove resident since 1999, and property owner since 1989, Upright said he wants to put the interest of the citizens first.
“I share the concerns of many of the citizens that local government needs to be run as professionally and as efficiently as possible,” Upright said.
He said most citizens are outraged with the ‘tax and spend’ mentality of government.
“I want to help ensure that China Grove is managed in the most efficient manner possible and that any unnecessary spending is eliminated before taxes are increased,” he said.
Upright is a Realtor and broker with Kannapolis Real Estate Agency.
A graduate of South Rowan High School, he attended Rowan-Cabarrus Community College.
Upright is the past president of the Kannapolis Jaycees, and past president of the Cabarrus Shrine Club. He is also a member of Allen-Graham Masonic Lodge.
In addition to Upright, other candidates are: Butch Bivens; incumbent Don Webb, a former alderman; Charles Seaford, a former candidate; newcomers, Mike Upright and Brandon Linn.
Two incumbents, Allen Welter and Blair Lyseski are not seeking re-election.