Letters to the editor – Saturday (7-18-09)

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 17, 2009

Emissions law needs overhaul
A. A politician is a person active in politics chiefly for his own good or that of his party.
B. A politician is a person elected to accomplish things for the good of the people and the country.
I believe a lot of our politicians fall into the “A” group above. I have contacted several politicians (state Reps. Lorene Coates and Fred Steen, Sen. Andrew Brock and House Speaker Joe Hackney) since January without any response. As a result, we’re spending hundreds of dollars each year just trying to get our cars to pass the yearly inspection to comply with N.C. law.
The inspection law is based on the assumption that the OBD (onboard diagnostic) system on our cars is a true test of whether or not the cars are polluting the air. The OBD system is faulty; therefore the N.C. law is also faulty. I have spent $1,500 in the past couple of years trying to comply with the law. Neither the dealership nor other mechanics have been able to find out why my car’s OBD system is faulty. One mechanic told me the system ó and therefore the N.C. law ó is not a true test of auto emissions.
I’m trying to find out from our politicians: How can we fix a problem with our cars, when there does not seem to be a real problem? I have not received a response.
People are having to spend hard-earned money trying to comply with a law that needs to be changed. Maybe some of our politicians need to be changed for the good of the people and the country.
One mechanic told me the present emissions-test system is a ripoff. I agree!
ó Gus Knox