Letter: Annexation bill needs tweaking

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Annexation bill needs tweaking
Who among you are of the mindset that the citizens of North Carolina should be denied their rights and freedoms?
The current statutes on involuntary/forced annexation deny the citizens of North Carolina some of the basic freedoms and rights that were granted to them by God and by the Constitution of the United States of America.
There are those of you who believe that the citizens of North Carolina should be denied their basic rights, the right to freely choose with whom they associate, the right to have a say in how their money will be spent, and the right to choose who will represent them. Each of these rights is denied by the current North Carolina statute on involuntary/forced annexation.
It is time that those who continue to deny a vote of the people in any annexation attempt admit that they wish to stifle individual rights and freedoms in favor of greed and runaway spending.
It is time for those who wish to impose their will on others change their mindset. They need to allow the individuals their God-given rights and those rights our forefathers granted each of us in the Constitution by allowing individuals to choose if they wish to join a municipality or not, grant them a vote before annexation takes place.
I ask you to support and vote for the provisions outlined in House Bill 645, Annexation/Meaningful Services and Oversight, a good beginning.
I would ask you to tweak the bill, adding an up-front vote on all annexation not yet in effect in North Carolina. This would put an individual more in control of his life and take back the control that had been granted to municipal councils.
ó Ray Shamlin
Rocky Mount