Letters to the editor – Saturday (6-6-09)
Published 12:00 am Friday, June 5, 2009
You can help recognize a vet, celebrate Army’s birthday
This year on June 14, the Army will celebrate its 234th birthday. The Army and its soldiers have served the United States with dignity and valor, always answering the call to duty whether in peacetime or war.
I would like to remind Salisbury Post readers that I continue to be a volunteer ambassador for the U.S. Army’s Freedom Team Salute program. This is a free outreach program to thank all U.S. Army veterans for their service to our country, as well as supporters of our Army and its soldiers. Let’s take a minute to thank those who are most deserving. Army veterans and Army supporters will receive an official commendation package from the secretary of the Army and Army chief of staff that includes a personalized letter of thanks and certificate of appreciation, an Army lapel pin and two U.S. Army decals.
All I need is the name and address of the honorably discharged Army veteran or the Army supporter. You may also include the rank of the Army veteran, if known, but this is not required. Please send the information to my e-mail address, evculbertson@carolina.rr.com. You can also go to www.freedomteamsalute.com to honor your Army veteran or Army supporter today. This free commendation package will arrive within three or four weeks.
Happy birthday, Army!
ó Erik Von Culbertson
China Grove
Fighting domestic violence
I am so impressed by the Brick Street Tavern stepping up to the plate and donating 10 percent of Saturday’s sales to the Family Crisis Council to fight domestic violence. We all know someone who is or has been a victim of this tragedy, and it doesn’t just go away. The victims are mostly women and children who need the courage and hope to escape the violence.
I have always wanted to do something to help with this senseless tragedy, and now I can with the 5K run and the tavern.
Thank you, Family Crisis Council and Brick Street Tavern!
ó Suzanne Simonette
Education doesn’t win
The education lottery is not what it seems. The real name should be the education replacement lottery. What local government does is take money from education and use it somewhere else, then replace it with the lottery money. Therefore, the school system does not really benefit from it; the school system just gets what was taken from it.
ó Mark Vall