Letters to the editor – Saturday (5-23-09)
Published 12:00 am Friday, May 22, 2009
Thanks for making food drive a great success
The National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 934 would like to thank our postal customers throughout Rowan County who donated food for the 17th Annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive on May 9. This year, we collected 20,151 pounds of food for the Salvation Army, Rowan Helping Ministries and Main Street Missions.
Jackie Harris of the United Way, Postmaster Dean Fields of the Salisbury Post Office, Cam Campbell of Rowan Helping Ministries and Major Robin Starr of the Salvation Army were all involved in planning this event. Thank you for your help both before and the day of the food drive.
Thank you to the letter carriers, rural carriers and volunteers for your hard work collecting the food. Thank you to the volunteers from the Salvation Army and Rowan Helping Ministries for your work sorting the food items.
Thank you to David Oakley of Krispy Kreme for the dozens of donuts, to Cheerwine for the 2 liter sodas and cups, to Rowan Helping Ministries and the Salvation Army for the snacks, water, and Gatorade and to Dennis Sims for providing a large cooler and ice.
Thank you to Mike Mangum of WSTP and Buddy Poole of WSAT for your assistance with the radio public service announcements. Thank you to Kathy Chaffin and the Salisbury Post for the newspaper articles. Thank you to Sam’s Car Wash and the towns of Faith, Granite Quarry, and Rockwell for your help in publicizing our food drive on your marquees and Web sites.
Once again, thank you to Dean Fields for picking up more than 2,000 pounds of donations from our smaller offices on Monday. Without your help and leadership we would not have been as successful.
So many people worked hard to make this food drive a success. If I forgot to mention anyone, please know your help is greatly appreciated.
ó Ronnie D. Bailey
Bailey serves as food drive coordinator, NALC Branch 934.A great team effort
It takes excellent leadership, hard workers and great support to make any type of fundraiser a success. This year, the U.S. Postal Service letter carriers’ food drive brought in more than 20,000 pounds of food, exceeding last year’s 16,000-plus pounds. On behalf of Main Street Ministries, Rowan Helping Ministries and the Salvation Army, I offer a pat on the back in appreciation to those listed below for such outstanding dedication.
Without the Postal Service, this would not have been possible. The letter carriers and the staff led by Postmaster Dean Fields passed out cards, worked extra hard as they picked up numerous bags of can food and delivered it to the Post Office. Without you, we would be lost!
The Salisbury Post got the word out through articles about the need and where the food would go. Without you, we are a community without needed information.
Many thanks to the United Way, as it assisted with organizing this tremendous event and provided volunteers during the day alongside the rest of us! We appreciate your community first attitude!
There were many volunteers who sorted, packed and loaded all of the donated food, dividing the wonderful items between our three agencies. Without you we would still be sorting. We appreciate the hard work and swift sorting!
And we cannot forget all of you who donated the food and made this such a great success. There are many people throughout Rowan County who will now be able to eat meals provided from this act of compassion. Without you, there would be nothing to give away.
And finally, I want to thank Main Street Ministries, Rowan Helping Ministries and The Salvation Army, who works side by side every day in an attempt to make life better for those less fortunate. Without you, many would go without!
You all make a wonderful team!
ó Majors Robin & Pamela Starr
The Starrs head the Salisbury branch of the Salvation Army.Connecting at the park
Rowan County Parks and Recreation Director Don Bringle, his board and the Dan Nicholas Park staff gave superb support and assistance to the Covenant Community Connection in the planning and implementation of the recent Let’s Get Connected Day. The CCC committee could not have asked for a more cooperative group with which to work. They were available to assist with setting up signs and sound systems. They were accommodating when plans changed in the week prior to the event about the installation of the peace pole. They were flexible when the rain forced last minute changes in the program. The committee deeply appreciates these public servants. Thank you!
ó Betty Jo Hardy
Train program is awesome
I am still reeling from the awesome experience I had on Saturday, May 16, at the N.C. Transportation Museum in Spencer. You see, I came in second last year in Spencer’s Hometown Holidays decorating contest and my award was a certificate for the Tracks of An Engineer Program, which included two hours of engineer training.
I spoke with a kind gentleman the day I picked up the certificate and told him I would more than likely drive the train myself instead of giving my prize away. I must admit, I was not too sure about this endeavor. Larry Brown, museum volunteer since 1999, e-mailed me several times and got everything set up for my experience. I learned hand signals and how and when to blow the horn and ring the bell prior to my session. I arrived on the day and was met by Mr. Brown, who would serve as my brakeman, as well as Henry Martin, who had the task of instructing me inside the engine. Mr. Martin has been a volunteer at the museum since 1992.
I want to extend a big thank you to both of these men, who are huge assets to the museum. They were patient and wonderful to work alongside. They really made the experience special. My father and oldest brother were allowed to ride in the engine with me as I drove, and my mother stood by taking pictures. I highly recommend the program or a visit to the museum. Thanks to everyone involved and especially to the Spencer Hometown Holidays Committee for making it all possible.
ó Wendy M. Spry
Flowers and showers
On behalf of the Symphony Guild, I would like to thank all the homeowners who opened their gardens for the Festival of Spring Gardens, the musicians and singers who performed and the plenair artists who painted. Though the weather diminished the numbers of people who toured, it could not dampen the spirits of the people who did venture out. There were smiles everywhere. And even some joking about who had a bigger umbrella. Despite a seemingly constant threat of rain ó and even a few downpours ó much of the weekend was rain free. Plus, the gardens were definitely worth getting wet feet to see how magical a rose is with drops of water between its petals.
Being a rank amateur in the rose world I was amazed at the many varieties of rose color and shape in the gardens on tour. After seeing the gardens, I’m torn between doing a dedicated rose garden and combining roses with other plantings. What a delightful dilemma.
Attending the Rose Show was a wonderful addition to the weekend. The simple displays that forced focusing on the flower itself were complemented by the creative themed arrangements. All in all, the weekend was a rare treat.
ó Kathleen Dunn