Letters to the editor – Thursday (5-14-09)
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 13, 2009
State shouldn’t permit continued ‘double dipping’
The bill that is now in the North Carolina House and Senate to continue allowing retired teachers to “double dip” should not be passed.
Yes, taxpayers, this is costing you money! Not all experienced, certified teachers are qualified to teach any more effectively than some new teachers. Some current school employees should retire and stay retired to open up new positions. New teachers enter the classroom having learned new classroom management skills. Teachers receive or should receive help and support from a mentor. This should enhance the new teacher in developing and learning what is needed entering a classroom for the first time. Saving money will happen when an employee retires and does not return to “double dip.” For example, when a principal retires, this opens a position for an assistant principal to move up to principal and a qualified and certified teacher to move into the assistant principal’s position, which creates openings for new teaching positions.
The Rowan-Salisbury School System should look at better and more effective ways of recruiting and retaining qualified and effective teachers.
ó Bob Wood
Who’s really in charge?
The Senate, Congress, all government is out of the control of the American people. A large majority of the public protested the bank bailout. The result? The bailout passed, giving billions to bankers. The public wants a single-payer health insurance sytem. The result? Lawmakers refuse to put it on the table. We are stronger and much more plentiful than they. Draw your own conclusions.
ó Donna Alley
China Grove
Flat tire drives home lessonOn a recent Sunday afternoon I was headed toward th mall to purchase some greeting cards. I was driving on Statesville Boulevard, near Meadowbrook, when my car started slowing down. I pulled into an open area (a gas station closed for the weekend), got out of the car and sure enough, there it was ó a completely flat right front tire. I did not panic, said a quick prayer and used my cell phone to call for help.
In the meantime, several people stopped and asked if they could assist me, which I deeply appreciated. One of the people who stopped was a kind gentleman with his young daughter, whom I had never met prior to this time. Out of the goodness of his heart, this good Samaritan cared enough to stay and help fix the tire and, along with another friend of mine, unselfishly followed me over to the BP station and added some air to the tire so I could drive to another establishment and have the tire replaced.
To that kindly gentleman, my “guardian angel without wings,” to those who stopped to inquire if they could help and to those who also came to my aid, my heart goes out to each and every one of you. I sincerely appreciate all you did and cannot thank you enough. One of the lessons I was reminded of ó and one we must all remember ó is that in a world full of uncertainties and where darkness appears to hover, goodness and truly good-hearted people abound.
ó Robin Carson