Letters to the editor – Thursday (4-23-09)
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Another viewpoint on value of TV
TV Turn Off Week. Really. What’s the point of this? I make my living in television and tend to bristle when there is an effort by some to simply pull the plug on my paycheck.
Proponents of this effort normally cite “sex and violence and trash” as being the only thing on TV. I beg to differ. I’ve been a television reporter for 18 years now. I have done stories that have included sex and violence. I’ve also done stories of hope, recovery and inspiration. In fact, one time I ran a list of stories that I had done over a five year period and found that stories considered positive or neutral stories outweighed the negative stories by nearly two to one. I think the television news in this area is generally of high quality and isn’t leading to the destruction of civilization or turning children’s brains into wallpaper paste.
In many cases local newspapers seem to encourage TV Turn Off Week. I don’t understand that. I don’t think local TV would ever promote “Throw Away The Newspaper Week.” We both have jobs to do, and we both have responsibilities to the community. In the current market, it seems we could both do better by encouraging one another.
If you don’t want to watch television, that’s fine; it’s your choice. You can make the decision to watch “sex and violence and trash,” or you can make the decision to watch quality, uplifting and educational shows on networks like the History Channel, A&E and many others. Television, like reading or any other leisure activity, is what you make of it and what you do with it. Choose wisely.
ó David Whisenant
Whisenant is a news reporter with WBTV.
Caught in the rain
North Carolina is an employment-at-will state, which means the powers that be can fire you for any reason or for no reason. Mark Watkins, the former weatherman for WSOC-TV, recently found that out, according to letter to the editor. Probably the only way he’ll come close to learning the facts of his demise is if it goes to an unemployment hearing.
But Mark, don’t feel rained on, as many of us (including me) have faced similar employers with their at-will positions, and we were politely fired, let go, etc. for no apparent reason. And it’s definitely no fun.
ó David Rodgers
China Grove
A new season
I would like to personally thank the Salisbury and Rowan County community for their support on opening day of the 2009 Farmers Market season. As a vendor it is great to see old customers as well as introduce new people to the market experience. I appreciate the Salisbury Post’s continued coverage, with weekly updates of new items being brought to the market and highlights about the vendors that produce them.
This season we have changed our operating hours to 7 a.m.-12 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. The Market Board of Directors (which is made up of vendors, market customers, and a representative from Downtown Salisbury Inc.), made this decision after a great deal of discussion. At the conclusion of the 2008 season, surveys for both vendors and customers were distributed and tallied. Upon evaluating survey results, it was the opinion of the board that the new time would encourage new vendors to participate (adding a greater variety of products to customers), increase business efficiency for the vendors, as traffic during the 12-2 time period was limited, and ensure the quality of products offered does not deteriorate from being on display for an extended period of time.
Though the hours are different from years past, I feel that the change will benefit the sustainability and growth of the market. Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to providing you with quality, local fresh produce, baked goods, meats, plants and flowers. See you Wednesdays and Saturdays 7 a.m.-12 p.m.
ó David F. Correll
Correll is president of the Salisbury Rowan Farmers Market.
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